procedure WriteIPTCField(iRecNo, iFieldIndex: Integer; const Value: string);
procedure WriteIPTCField(iRecNo, iFieldIndex: Integer; ssValues: TStrings);
Write a value to an IPTC field.
Note: Items that require multiple instances, such as Photoshop's keyword field, should be added using the TStrings overload method.
// Write the Photoshop description:
ImageEnIO1.Params.WriteIPTCField(PhotoShop_IPTC_Records, IPTC_PS_Caption, sDescription);
// Write the Photoshop keywords (in a comma-separated string):
ssList := TStringList.Create();
ssList.DelimitedText := sKeywords;
ImageEnIO1.Params.WriteIPTCField(PhotoShop_IPTC_Records, IPTC_PS_Keywords, ssList);
See Also
◼Photoshop IPTC Constants