// General Append (blank image)
procedure AppendImage(); overload;
// General Append (blank image of specific size and color depth)
procedure AppendImage(Width, Height: integer; PixelFormat: TIEPixelFormat = ie24RGB); overload;
// Append from TIEBitmap source
procedure AppendImage(Bitmap: TIEBitmap); overload;
// Append from TBitmap source
procedure AppendImage(Bitmap: TBitmap); overload;
// Load image from file overload
procedure AppendImage(const FileName: string); overload;
// Load frame from video overload
procedure AppendImage(const FileName: string; FrameIndex: Integer); overload;
// Advanced loading overload
procedure AppendImage(const FileName: String;
LoadOnDemand: boolean;
DefaultTopText: TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText = iedtNone;
DefaultInfoText: TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText = iedtNone;
DefaultBottomText: TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText = iedtFilename;
bSelectIt : Boolean = true); overload;
// Stream loading overload
procedure AppendImage(Stream: TStream; FileFormat: TIOFileType = ioUnknown);
Adds a new image at last position in the list and returns the new image position.
◼First overload of AppendImage() does NOT create the bitmap. You can initialize an empty bitmap with AppendImage( 0,0,ie24RGB )
TIEBitmap overload, the source bitmap may be modified
◼The added image will become selected. To prevent selection add iemoDontSelectOnAdd to
The parameters for the final overload are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
Filename | The full path to a file or folder available on the system, or an HTTP or FTP link to a remote file. You can load a particular frame from a multi-frame image or video by delimiting it with IEM_Path_Index_Delimiter |
LoadOnDemand | If True, the image will not be loaded from disk until it is displayed (i.e. when it is scrolled into view) |
DefaultTopText | Specify the text that is applied to ImageTopText |
DefaultInfoText | Specify the text that is applied to ImageInfoText |
DefaultBottomText | Specify the text that is applied to ImageBottomText (defaults to the filename) |
bSelectIt | If True, the new image will be selected in the control |
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\MyImage.tif' );
idx := ImageEnMView1.AppendImage();
ImageEnMView1.SetImage( idx, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap );
// Which is the same as...
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 'C:\MyImage.tif' );
// Load the fifth image of MyImage.tif
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 'C:\MyImage.tif', 4 );
// Append 256 x 256 bitmap
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 256, 256, ie24RGB );
// Append a file from the web
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 'http://www.imageen.com/graphics/imageen.gif' );
// Show the first ten frames of a video file
for i := 0 to 9 do
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 'D:\Temp\Cement.avi', i );
// Append an image from a stream (letting ImageEn automatically detect the format)
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( MemStream, ioUnknown );
// Append all pages of a TIFF to the current content (will load on demand)
pageCount := EnumTIFFIm( sFileName );
for i := 0 to pageCount - 1 do
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( sFileName, i );
// Fill the grid with the content of a TFileListBox
procedure TForm1.FileListBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to FileListBox1.Items.Count - 1 do
ImageEnFolderMView1.AppendImage( IEAddBackSlash(FileListBox1.Directory) + FileListBox1.Items[i], true );
// Append a JPEG that is Base64 encoded
ms := TMemoryStream.Create();
IEDecode64( SourceStream, ms);
ms.Position := 0;
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( ms, ioJPEG );
// Create an animated GIF file from ten source images
for i := 0 to 9 do
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( format( 'D:\Source\Frame %d.bmp', [i] ));
ImageEnMView1.MIO.Params[i].GIF_DelayTime := 10; // Display each frame for 1/10th of a second
ImageEnMView1.MIO.SaveToFileGIF( 'D:\Animated.gif' );
See Also