Sorts all images in the TImageEnMView by property (filename, dimensions, etc) or using a custom comparison function.
Example 1
// sort by filename ImageEnMView1.Sort( iesbFilename );
Example 2
// Sort by filename considering any digits within the name // e.g. img1.jpg, img10.jpg, img11.jpg, img2.jpg, img20.jpg will be sorted as img1.jpg, img2.jpg, img10.jpg, img11.jpg, img20.jpg ImageEnMView1.Sort( iesbFilename, [iesNaturalSorting] );
Example 3
// sort by filename even if files come from different folders ImageEnMView1.Sort( iesbFilenameWithoutPath );
Example 4
// custom sort function (by DPI) function XCompareDPI(i1, i2: Integer): Integer; var s1, s2: Integer; begin s1 := Form1.ImageEnMView1.Params[i1].DPI; s2 := Form1.ImageEnMView1.Params[i2].DPI;
if s1 < s2 then result := -1 else if s1 > s2 then result := 1 else result := 0; end;
// Sort By DPI procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ImageEnMView1.Sort( XCompareDPI ); end;