If Op is iespReplace the region replaces the existing selection, otherwise if Op is iespAdd, the region is appended to the existing selection
If true, it also considers the AlphaChannel when matching
Note: ◼If SelectionBase = iesbClientArea then x and y are assumed to be visible points on the control. If iesbBitmap, the points specify a position on the bitmap. ◼This is the programmatic equivalent of setting miSelectMagicWand in MouseInteractGeneral ◼MagicWandMode determines the nature of the magic wand selection. For iewInclusive a "vectorized" selection is created (i.e. the selection will be made up of a series of lines and can be accessed via PolySel). For other types a "bitmap" selection is used (to determine whether specific pixels are selected, use IsPointInsideSelection)