Value | Description |
iesoAnimated | Enable animation of the selection |
iesoSizeable | Allow the user to resize the selection (with grips). Also see iesoCircleSizeable and iesoPolySizeable |
iesoMoveable | Allow the user to move the selection (with grips) |
iesoFilled | The image within the selection is displayed with inverted colors (Enable live updating via SetSelectionMarkOuterStyle) |
iesoCutBorders | If specified then when the user drags the selection outside the image area the selection is cropped to the edge (otherwise the selection cannot be dragged beyond the image area) |
iesoMarkOuter | Areas of the image outside the selection are shown as grayed or with alpha blending (see SetSelectionMarkOuterStyle) |
iesoCanScroll | Automatically scroll the image when selecting outside the visible area |
iesoSelectTranspLayers | Allow transparent areas of a layer to be selectable. Note: If LayersCaching is not enabled, transparent area of non-image layers will always be selectable |
iesoRightButtonSelectLayers | Allow selection of layers with the right button (other than left button) |
iesoRightButtonTerminatePolySelect | Allow polygon selection to be cancelled with the right mouse button |
iesoDisableOneClickDeselect | Prevent the selection from being cleared when clicking outside the selection |
iesoDisableNewSelection | Once a selection has been made (programmatically using Select or by the user using MouseInteractGeneral) then the user cannot make a new selection (though they can still move or resize the selection if iesoSizeable or iesoMoveable is specified) |
iesoShowCenter | A cross shows the center of the rectangle, circle or polygon while making a selection |
iesoAutoTerminatePolySelect | Polygon selection will be automatically cancelled when the user clicks close to the start of the selection (i.e. closes the polygon). See: PolygonAutoCloseDistance |
iesoCircleSizeable | Allows circular selections to be resized by dragging the grips at 0/90/180/360 positions |
iesoPolygonSizeable | Allows polygon selections to be resized by dragging the grips at 0/90/180/360 positions |
iesoSelectOnlyImageLayers | If included, only image layers can be selected. Selection will be blocked if a non-image layer is active |