ImageEn, unit imageenview |
procedure SetZoneCursorBitmap(CursorBitmap: TIEBitmap);
Specify a custom bitmap to use as the cursor.
Pass nil to reset the cursor to the default.
◼The bitmap must be at least 5x5 and should include an alpha channel
◼The click position (hot spot) will be the center of the bitmap
◼If the cursor flickers excessively, you should set ImageEnView1.DoubleBuffered := True;
◼The cursor does not scale when the image is zoomed
// Use a PNG as a cursor
cursorBMP := TIEBitmap.Create;
cursorBMP.LoadFromFile( 'D:\MagicWand.png');
ImageEnView1.SetZoneCursorBitmap( cursorBMP );
FreeAndNil( cursorBMP );
ImageEnView1.DoubleBuffered := True; // to reduce cursor flicker

// Reset the cursor to the default
ImageEnView1.SetZoneCursorBitmap( nil );
See Also