ImageEn for Delphi and C++Builder ImageEn for Delphi and C++Builder

E-Book: Introduction To ImageEn

Adirondack Software & Graphics offers an electronic book on ImageEn, which contains 200 pages of narrative with enhanced and expanded documentation totalling about 1700 pages. Many of the help file topics have been expanded with more complete descriptions and example code. Also includes the Apprehend Screen Capture component for enhanced screen captures with ImageEn, and the enhanced class TIEImageListEx which provides properties to store image information for every image in the list and 8 Delphi projects to demonstrate topics discussed in the book.

A Programmers Introduction To ImageEn Free Download

Note: The book is in PDF format. All demos were created with Delphi 2010. Delphi 2010 or higher is required to compile without modification.


Table of Contents

Foreword By Nigel Cross. viii

Introduction. ix

ImageEn Image Library. ix

Chapter 1. Getting Started With ImageEn. 13

File Operations. 13

Image Display. 15

Components. 16

Classes. 19

Image Editing and Processing.. 21

Image and Video Acquisition. 22

Thumbnails. 22

Vectorial Object Component. 23

Other Features. 23

Supported File Formats. 24

Modern File Open and Save Dialogs. 26

Demo Applications. 49

Chapter 2. Features. 57

Chapter 3. ImageEnView.. 69

Copying Images From One ImageEnView To Another 71

Thumbnail Previews. 71

Handling Layers In A Preview. 72

Getting Image Properties. 74

Using Vista or Windows 7 Picture Dialogs. 80

Loading Multi-Frame Files. 87

Open a multi-frame or single frame ICO, GIF or TIF file. 90

Using Transitions. 96

ROI (regions of interest): ImageEn Selections. 97

Using Vista or Windows 7 TOpenFile and TSaveFile Dialogs. 99

TIEImageListEx. 102

Drag and Drop Layers. 116

Drawing with ImageEn. 130

Rotating Small Images. 143

Methods and Properties. 157

Alpha channel. 157

Display. 158

Navigator. 193

Others. 195

Background.. 201

Cursors. 206

Bitmap. 206

Bitmap Alpha Channel. 217

User Actions. 220

Properties. 229

Selections. 231

TIEMask. 276

Methods and Properties. 276

Transitions. 290

Layers. 297

Scroll bars. 334

Animated Polygons. 336

Events. 339

Chapter 4. ImageEnMView.. 357

Display images "on demand" with TImageEnMView. 358

Copy A TImageEnMView Image To TImageEnView. 361

Methods and Properties. 362

Display. 368

Fields. 380

Image editing.. 388

Image access and copying.. 399

Image info.. 407

Image text. 414

Selections. 442

User Interaction. 458

Properties. 460

Animations and transitions. 467

Chapter 5. ImageEnVect. 484

Display. 492

User Interaction. 494

Rendering and Copying.. 535

Input/output. 539

Clipboard.. 550

Object Properties. 552

Grips. 589

Undo/Redo.. 595

Others. 601

Events. 602

Chapter 6. ImageEnIO.. 610

Loading Multi-frame files. 611

Accessing Each Frame. 612

Loading All The Frames. 614

Saving Multi-frame files. 621

Image capture (Twain and WIA) 628

Connected component. 635

Generic Input/Output. 638

Twain/WIA. 665

Asynchronous Input/Output. 668

DirectShow Capture. 670

Dialogs. 671

Printing.. 678

JPEG.. 684

JPEG 2000. 689

GIF. 693

Adobe PSD.. 696

HDP - Microsoft HD Photo.. 698

TIFF. 700

BMP. 705

PNG.. 707

DCX. 710

CUR. 712

ICO.. 713

PCX. 715

WMF, EMF. 717

TGA. 718


WBMP. 725

PostScript (PS) 727

Adobe PDF. 729

RAW Camera. 731

MediaFiles (AVI, MPEG, WMV...) 732

Real RAW (not Camera RAW) 733

DICOM Medical Imaging.. 735

Events. 736

Common. 755

BMP. 770

GIF. 772

JPEG.. 778

JPEG 2000. 796

PCX. 798

Adobe PSD.. 799

HDP. 800

TIFF. 801

CUR. 815

DCX. 817

ICO.. 818

TIEIPTCInfoList. 835

EXIF Windows XP tags. 873

EXIF GPS tags. 875

EXIF Helper Functions. 888

EXIF GPS Helper Functions By Nigel Cross. 896

PostScript. 900

Chapter 8. IEImagingAnnot. 921

Chapter 9. ImageEnMIO.. 929

Twain-WIA Scanner. 934

Generic input/output. 937

Dialogs. 953

Printing.. 956

AVI 961

DCX. 963

GIF. 964

ICO.. 966

TIFF. 967

DirectShow Media Files. 969

Adobe PDF. 970

PostScript. 971

DICOM Medical Imaging.. 972

Events. 973

Chapter 10. TIEWICReader. 975

Chapter 11. TIEWicWriter. 980

Chapter 12. IERFBClient. 995

Chapter 13. IEImageList. 1010

Chapter 14. IETIFFHandler. 1015

Chapter 15. IEResourceExtractor. 1037

Helper Functions For TIEResourceExtractor 1055

Chapter 16. IEHashStream.. 1081

Chapter 17. ImageEnProc. 1087

Removing RedEye. 1088

Methods and Properties. 1089

Connected component. 1095

Dialogs. 1097

Shadows. 1101

Fourier analysis (FFT) 1103

Alpha Channel. 1109

Custom Image Processing.. 1110

Analysis. 1113

Noise. 1121

Pixels. 1122

Clipboard.. 1162

Steganography. 1167

Encrypting.. 1172

Geometric. 1174

Automatic Image Enhancement. 1190

Transitions. 1204

Others. 1223

Events. 1226

Chapter 18. ImageEnVideoView.. 1228

Methods and Properties. 1229

Events. 1246

Chapter 19. ImageEnVideoCap. 1248

Methods and Properties. 1249

Events. 1266

Chapter 20. IEDirectShow.. 1268

Methods and Properties. 1269

Chapter 21. IEMediaReader. 1296

Chapter 22. IETwainParams. 1312

Twain Properties. 1317

Chapter 23. ImageEnDBView.. 1348

Methods and Properties. 1350

Chapter 24. ImageEnDBVect. 1361

Chapter 25. IEBitmap. 1373

Changing the IEBitmap BitCount or Pixel Format. 1381

Chapter 26. IEMask. 1432

Chapter 27. IEAnimation. 1446

Chapter 28. IEHorizontalFlow.. 1466

Chapter 29. IECircularFlow.. 1469

Chapter 30. IEImageList. 1472

Chapter 31. Public Variables. 1479

Chapter 32. HYIEDefs. 1495

Chapter 33. Helper Functions. 1514

Chapter 34. Color Management System (CMS) 1541

Chapter 35. IEICC Color Profile. 1546

Chapter 36. RulerBox. 1562

Chapter 37. HSVBox. 1574

Chapter 38. IEGradientBar. 1581

Methods and Properties. 1582

Events. 1582

Chapter 39. HistogramBox. 1586

Chapter 40. Global Helper Functions. 1591

Chapter 41. Tips. 1614