ImageEn, unit ieXCanvasUtils |
procedure IEDrawColorPalette(Dest: TIEBitmap; Colors: array of TRGB; CellWidth, CellHeight, HorzCount: Integer; Background: TColor = clWhite; CellBorder: TColor = clBlack; ColorCount: Integer = -1); overload;
procedure IEDrawColorPalette(Dest: TIEBitmap; Colors: array of TColor; CellWidth, CellHeight, HorzCount: Integer; Background: TColor = clWhite; CellBorder: TColor = clBlack; ColorCount: Integer = -1); overload;
Draw an array of colors as a grid to a bitmap.
Parameter | Description |
Dest | The TIEBitmap to output to. It must be created, but does not need to be sized |
Colors | The colors to output |
CellWidth | The width of each color cell |
CellHeight | The height of each color cell |
HorzCount | The number of cells to draw horizontally (vertical count will be calculated automatically) |
Background | The color of the background (if there is an odd number of cells that do not fill the entire image) |
CellBorder | The border color of each cell. You can specify clNone for no border |
ColorCount | The number of colors in our array (if -1, the array length is used) |
Note: To display a palette to the user, you can use:
// Export palette to an image file
bmp := TIEBitmap.Create;
IEDrawColorPalette( bmp, ColorPalette1.Palette, 30, 30, 16 );
bmp.SaveToFile( 'D:\palette.png' );

// Output 256 colors of the image
MyColorMap256: array [0..255] of TRGB;
bmp: TIEBitmap;
ImageEnView1.Proc.CalcImagePalette( MyColorMap256, 256 );
bmp := TIEBitmap.Create();
IEDrawColorPalette( bmp, MyColorMap256, 30, 30, 16 );
bmp.SaveToFile( 'D:\Palette256.png' );