ImageEn, unit ieDicomTags |
function IEGetDicomTagDescription(DICOMTags: TIEDicomTags; Index: integer): string; overload;
function IEGetDicomTagDescription(DICOMTags: TIEDicomTags; Index: integer; out TagSource : TIEDicomTagSource): string; overload;
function IEGetDicomTagDescription(Group, Element: Word): string; overload;
function IEGetDicomTagDescription(Group, Element: Word; out TagSource : TIEDicomTagSource): string; overload;
Returns an English description of a specified Dicom tag.
The overloads including
TagSource allow you to determine if the tag is part of the
NEMA standard (dsStandard), has been retired (dsDeprecated), or is vendor specific (dsProprietary).
◼For more detail, use
IEDicomGetTagInfoEx◼Add ieDicomTags to your uses clause to support
IEGetDicomTagDescription◼ieDicomTags adds about 400KB to your exe
// Get a list of all Dicom tag descriptions
for i := 0 to ImageEnView1.IO.Params.DICOM_Tags.Count - 1 do
memo1.Lines.Add( IEGetDicomTagDescription( ImageEnView1.IO.Params.DICOM_Tags, i );
Desc := IEGetDicomTagDescription( $0010, $0010 ); // Returns "Patient's Name"