ImageEn, unit ieDicomTags



function IEGetDicomTagDescription(DICOMTags: TIEDicomTags; Index: integer): string; overload;
function IEGetDicomTagDescription(DICOMTags: TIEDicomTags; Index: integer; out TagSource : TIEDicomTagSource): string; overload;
function IEGetDicomTagDescription(Group, Element: Word): string; overload;
function IEGetDicomTagDescription(Group, Element: Word; out TagSource : TIEDicomTagSource): string; overload;


Returns an English description of a specified Dicom tag.

The overloads including TagSource allow you to determine if the tag is part of the NEMA standard (dsStandard), has been retired (dsDeprecated), or is vendor specific (dsProprietary).

For more detail, use IEDicomGetTagInfoEx
Add ieDicomTags to your uses clause to support IEGetDicomTagDescription
ieDicomTags adds about 400KB to your exe


// Get a list of all Dicom tag descriptions
for i := 0 to ImageEnView1.IO.Params.DICOM_Tags.Count - 1 do
  memo1.Lines.Add( IEGetDicomTagDescription( ImageEnView1.IO.Params.DICOM_Tags, i );

Desc := IEGetDicomTagDescription( $0010, $0010 );  // Returns "Patient's Name"