ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions



function IERotateImageFile(const Filename: string;
                           JpegQuality: integer;
                           RotateAngle: integer;
                           AntiAliasMode: TIEAntialiasMode = ierFast;
                           bCanUseLossless: Boolean = true;    
                           cBackgroundColor: TColor = clWhite): Boolean; overload;
function IERotateImageFile(const sInFilename, sOutFilename: string;
                           JpegQuality: integer;
                           RotateAngle: integer;
                           AntiAliasMode: TIEAntialiasMode = ierFast;
                           bCanUseLossless: Boolean = true;
                           cBackgroundColor: TColor = clWhite): Boolean; overload;


Calls Rotate to rotate an image file and resave it (optionally to an alternative file). if bCanUseLossless is specified then JpegLosslessTransform2 is used where possible for JPEG files.

You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause
Delphi/C++ 2005 or newer is required

See also: AngleToImageEnRotateAngle


// This will result in a lossless rotation
IERotateImageFile('D:\MyImage.jpg', 90, ierFast, True);
// This will be a lossy rotation
IERotateImageFile('D:\MyImage.jpg', 45, ierFast, True, clBlack);