ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions



procedure IESaveShapeAsSVG(const DestFileName: String; Width, Height: Integer; Shape: TIEShape; BorderWidth: Integer; BorderColor: TColor; FillColor: TColor;
                           UsePreferredAR: Boolean = False; Rotate: Double = 0; Opacity: Double = 1.0; ShapeModifier: Integer = 0); overload;
procedure IESaveShapeAsSVG(DestStream: TStream; Width, Height: Integer; Shape: TIEShape; BorderWidth: Integer; BorderColor: TColor; FillColor: TColor;
                           UsePreferredAR: Boolean = False; Rotate: Double = 0; Opacity: Double = 1.0; ShapeModifier: Integer = 0); overload;


Output a ImageEn Shape as an SVG file.
Parameter Description
DestFileName/DestStream The file or stream to save to
Width, Height The size to create the image (maximum dimensions if UsePreferredAR=True)
Shape The shape to draw
BorderWidth Thickness of the shape's border
BorderColor Color of the shape's border
FillColor Fill of the shape
UsePreferredAR For the shape to maintain its preferred aspect ratio (if it has one). This will reduce width or height as necessary
Rotate Rotation of the shape
Opacity Make the shape partially transparent
ShapeModifier Modification option for the shape

Note: You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause


// Create a lightning image
IESaveShapeAsSVG( 'D:\Lightning.svg', 200, 200, iesLightningLeft, 0, clNone, clWebOrange, True );