
IEVision What's New

Version 8.1.5

Added: Further improvements to calculation of orientation and angle in documents

Version 8.1.4

Added: thinPlateSplineShapeTransform supports replication when filling border areas, as well as custom colors
Added: Much improved algorithm for detecting the text angle and orientation in documents

Version 8.1.4

Added: thinPlateSplineShapeTransform supports replication when filling border areas, as well as custom colors
Added: Much improved algorithm for detecting the text angle and orientation in documents

Version 8.1.3

Added: New method to check successful language loading for Searchable PDF generator
Added: Improvements to filter2D

Version 8.1.1

Fixed: Unable to output in JPEG format with TIEVisionSearchablePDFGenerator
Fixed: Saving a PDF with TIEVisionSearchablePDFGenerator using the same name may fail

Version 8.1.0

Added: Support for a local model neural network to classify objects, detect text and increase resolution
Added: Searchable PDF documents can now be created without images
Added: New HAAR classifiers: Eye pair, Nose, Mouth, Stop Sign
Added: New method to check successful language loading for OCR
Added: Improved exception messages for OCR

Version 8.0.0

Added: OCR now built on Tesseract 5 for greater performance using less system memory and improved accuracy, particularly with images of low resolution or contrast
Added: OCR results can be returned in hOCR, ALTO (XML) and text-separated value formats
Added: Support for Black and White lists with OCR
Added: New OCR constructor for analysis only
Added: Confidence values returned for OCR results
Added: Many enhancements to stitching including new thresholding options and improved performance with documents
Added: Prevents usage of invalid parameters when smoothing

Version 7.1.0

Added: Thin Plate Spline shape transformations
Fixed: Some OCR issues

Version 7.0.0

Added: Updated OpenCV to v4.6
Added: Updated LibRaw to v0.21.1 with support for newer Camera formats
Added: Implemented LibJpeg-Turbo
Added: New "Scans" option for image stitcher
Added: Multiple matches can now be found with matchTemplateMulti
Fixed: Support for RGB images minMax()
Fixed: Searchable PDF Generator now uses Windows temp path for temporary files
Added: Highly optimized DLLs. Files are now nearly 50% smaller

Version 6.0.4

Fixed: Possible exception when using Binary Descriptor line detection with video feed
Fixed: Error when using very different images with findHomography
Fixed: No image change using IEImage.smooth(), pyrUp(), pyrDown() without destination bitmap

Version 6.0.3

Added: support CgBI PNG (Apple's proprietary extension to PNG)
Fixed: Error when using Canny edge detection
Added: Support for JPEG with arithmetic encoding

Version 6.0.1

Added: Compression can be configured for searchable PDF generator
Fixed: Some exceptions that occur under 64bit
IELib: Updated OpenJPEG to 2.4.0
IELib: Added support for X3F and 8bit DNG raw images

Version 6.0.0

Added: Orb Feature Detector class to find matching points in a pair of images
Added: FindHomography method to find the alignment matrix between points in a pair of images (e.g. for automatic image alignment)
Added: WarpPerspective method to adjust the perspective of an image based on a matrix
Added: Exposure Fusion class: Merge images taken with multiple exposures into a single image
Added: Updated all OCR language files and added OCR script files (e.g. all Latin languages)
Added: Support for UTF encoding reading barcodes
Fixed: PDF generator may produce inverted images

Version 5.5.0

Fixed: Loading NEF files give Invalid Floating point error (64bit)
Added: Three new OCR page segmentation modes
Fixed: Handles leak using OCR
OCR: Updated to Tesseract 4.1.1

Version 5.4.2

Fixed: With Searchable PDF, monochrome images output is inverted
Jpeg2000: Updated to OpenJpeg 2.3.1
LibRaw: Updated to LibRaw 0.20.2
Fixed: Background subtractor MOG2 doesn't work for 64 bits
New Demo: Subtract Background from Image
Fixed: Installer fails to use correct destination folders

Version 5.4.1

SearchablePDF: support for color images
(IELib) support for 12 bit jpegs (DICOM)

Version 5.4.0

Added: Updated LibRaw to 0.20 for EXIF support and newer cameras
PDF: support for DPI specification

Version 5.3.0

Added: OpenMP (tesseract only) optional DLLs

Version 5.2.0

Added: Image Stitcher can now run derterministically
Fixed: CreateOCR may crash if path is not explicitly specified
Added: Threshold method now returns the calculated thresholding value
Added: Uses RandomizedBaseAddress (ASLR) and DataExecutionPrevention (DEP) flags for security
New Demo: Recognize faces in a video stream
New Demo: Blur any car number plates found in an image

Version 5.1.1

Added: Updated LibRaw to 201910 for updated camera support

Version 5.1.0

Added: Optimization of JPEG2000 Engine

Version 5.0.0

Added: Supports Tesseract 4.0.0 for much faster and more accurate OCR (Error Reduction: English: -30%, French: -50%, Spanish: -46%, Russian: -79%, Hebrew: -32%, Chinese: -22%, Korean -79%, etc.)
Added: Support for 60 Languages added to OCR, such as: Armenian, Breton, Corsican, Filipino, Gaelic, Mongolian, Maori, Tongan
Added: TIEVisionSearchablePDFGenerator class to generate searchable (OCRed) PDF documents from images
Added: TIEVisionOCRWordBox.isWordFromDictionary method
Added: TIEVisionOCRWordBox.isSuperscript method
Added: TIEVisionOCRWordBox.isSubscript method
Added: TIEVisionOCRWordBox.isDropCap
Added: Supports LibRaw 0.19.2

Version 4.5.2

Added: TIEVisionBlobDetector, support for BW images
Fixed: TIEVisionBlobDetector, crash on unsupported formats

Version 4.5.1

Added: TIEVisionBarCodeSymbol.getQuality method
Fixed: createCascadeClassifier fails under 64bit
Fixed: getWordBoxes may raise exception on invalid selection

Version 4.5.0

Added: TIEVisionGrabCut.setSelectionMask optional maskIsInside parameter
Updated: LibRaw to version 0.18.11
Added: TIEVisionBackgroundSubtractor.selectMethodMOG method
Added: TIEVisionBackgroundSubtractor.selectMethodGMG method
Added: TIEVisionImage.detectLines method
Added: TIEVisionImage.matchTemplate optional rank parameter
Added TIEVisionBlobDetector class
Added TIEVisionLibrary.createBlobDetector method

Version 4.0.0

Added: TIEVisionImage.matchTemplate to perform template matching
Added: TIEVisionImage.matchTemplateAsMap to perform template matching with results map
Added: TIEVisionCascadeClassifierTrainer class to train (HAAR or LBP) cascade classifiers for object detection
Added: TIEVisionGrabCut class to automatically select regions
Added: TIEVisionWatershed class to automatically select regions

Version 3.0.8

Fixed: inPaint crash when brush size is smaller than ROI rectangle

Version 3.0.7

Fixed: Lossless transformations do not work
Added: Improved jpeg2000 loading and saving speed

Version 3.0.6

Updated dcraw to version 1.477 (9.27)

Version 3.0.5

Changed: findIn limts maximum size to 2 MegaPixels, to avoid out of memory errors (can still happen when scaleFactor is less than 1.1)
Removed: OpenCL support to avoid problems on some CPUs

Version 3.0.4

Added: FaceRecognizer adds clear, isTrained, train, load and save overloads
Added: ObjectsFinder.setHaarMaxSize and setHaarMinSize methods
Added: ObjectsFinder.setEqualizeHistogram method to make histogram equalization optional

Version 3.0.3

Updated dcraw to version 1.476 (9.26)
Added: Linked dcraw to jpeglib and jasperlib to support some Kodak devices

Version 3.0.2

Fixed: Issue loading some reduced size jpegs

Version 3.0.1

Fixed: OCR issue due to disabled inline expansion
Fixed: OCR environment path problem

Version 3.0.0

Added: New edge detection algorithm in TIEVisionImage.canny
Added: Line and segments detection in TIEVisionImage.houghLines and TIEVisionImage.houghLinesP
Added: New blur algorithm in TIEVisionImage.blur
Added: Panorama stitching in TIEVisionStitcher class
Added: Image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm TIEVisionImage.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored
Added: New thresholding algorithms in TIEVisionImage.threshold and TIEVisionImage.adaptiveThreshold
Added: New erode/dilate algorithms in TIEVisionImage.erode and TIEVisionImage.dilate
Added: Background subtractor in TIEVisionBackgroundSubtractor class
Added: Face recognizer in TIEVisionFaceRecognizer class
Fixed: Wrong bitmap orientation using IEVision and TImageEnProc.Undo

Version 2.0.2

Added: OCR MICR reading support

Version 2.0.1

Updated DCRAW to support newest Digital Camera Raw formats
Added: Barcode decoder now supports monochrome images

Version 2.0.0

Added: Barcode reading support (EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code)
Added: TIEVisionBarCodeSymbol class
Added: TIEVisionBarCodeScanner class
Added: TIEVisionLibrary.createBarCodeScanner method
Added: TIEVisionLibrary.getLibraryInfo method

Version 1.0.4

Updated OCR library (now supports more languages with enhanced accuracy)
Changed: With OCR, English is no longer embedded
Changed: createOCR accepts only language code instead of file name
Added: OCR now supports multithreading
Removed: TIEVisionOCR.setAccuracy method
Added: TIEVisionOCR.getRegions, added onlyText parameter to get only text regions
Added: New methods for TIEVisionOCRWordBox: getConfidence, isBold, isItalic, isUnderlined, isMonospace, isSerif, isSmallCaps, getPointSize, getLanguage and getScriptDirection
Added: OCR now supports loading and detecting multiple languages (with the same TIEVisionOCR object)