ImageEn, unit iexAcquire




function SelectSource(Apis: TIEAcquireApis = [ieaTwain, ieaWIA, ieaDCIM]; DeviceGlyphHue: Integer = -999): Boolean;


Prompts the user with a dialog to select a Twain, WIA or portable device.

** Generally you should NOT call this method directly. Use SelectAcquireSource or SelectAcquireSource Instead **

Use Apis to specify which sources are available to the user. Any combination of the following can be used:
Value Description
ieaTwain Acquire from Twain device
ieaWIA Acquire using WIA (scanners or camera)
ieaDCIM Read from a connected phone, camera or device (containing a DCIM folder) using the WPD API

If your location is only [ieTwain] or [ieWIA] then the default Twain/WIA selector is shown. Otherwise a custom device selector is used (Use MsgLanguage to control the language in the custom dialog).
This property is affected by the Twain Compatibility option: ietcModelessSelectSource

DeviceGlyphHue specifies the color of the graphics (Camera, Scanner, etc.) in the device selector:
Value Description
0 ImageEn blue color (#1E88E5)
-180 to +180 Blue color is modified by the specified hue
-998 Gray
-999 Dark gray
-900 No graphics/text only

Returns False if user press "Cancel" button. An error is raised if a relevant device is not found.


Demo  Demos\ImageAcquisition\AllAcquire\AllAcquire.dpr
Demo  Demos\Other\ImageEn_Dialogs\ImageEn_Dialogs.dpr


if ImageEnView1.IO.AcquireParams.SelectSource([ieaTwain, ieaWIA, ieaDCIM]) then