TIEAddMetaEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; MetaType: TIEMetaType; RecIndex, DataIndex: Integer; var Caption: string; var Value: string; var Include: Boolean) of object;
Occurs each time a meta-data item is added to the control.
The Caption and value can be edited. Set Include to False to skip addition of the item.
RecIndex is only used by iemIPTC and iemDICOM, for other values it will be 0.
procedure TMainForm.IEMetaListView1AddMetaData(Sender: TObject; MetaType: TIEMetaType; RecIndex, DataIndex: Integer; var Caption, Value: string; var Include: Boolean); begin // Skip secondary EXIF date fields if ( MetaType = iemEXIF ) and (( DataIndex = _EXIF_DateTimeOriginal ) or ( DataIndex = _EXIF_DateTimeDigitized )) then Include := False; end;
procedure TMainForm.IEMetaListView1AddMetaData(Sender: TObject; MetaType: TIEMetaType; RecIndex, DataIndex: Integer; var Caption, Value: string; var Include: Boolean); begin // Skip EXIF fields without values if ( MetaType = iemEXIF ) and ( Value = '' ) then Include := False; end;
procedure TMainForm.IEMetaListView1AddMetaData(Sender: TObject; MetaType: TIEMetaType; RecIndex, DataIndex: Integer; var Caption, Value: string; var Include: Boolean); begin // Add an asterisk to any fields that can be edited if MetaType in IEMetaListView1.EditableTypes then Caption := Caption + '*'; end;