ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps




// Standard overload
procedure Crop(x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer; FillColor: TColor = clWhite);

// TRect overload
procedure Crop(Rect : TRect; FillColor: TColor = clWhite);

// TRect with rotation overload. Angles are degrees clockwise
procedure Crop(Rect: TRect; Rotation: double; AntialiasMode: TIEAntialiasMode = ierFast);

// Perspective fix overload
procedure Crop(Quadrilater: array of TDPoint); overload;


Replace the current image with that within the specified rectangle (i.e. keep only the specified region).

The Perspective fix overload allows you to adjust images that have perspective distortion. You need to specify the four points that will become the corners of the new image. The order is as follows:
Top-Left corner
Top-right corner
Bottom-right corner
Bottom-Left corner

Negative or out-of-range values will enlarge the image. FillColor will be used for the new areas. clNone can be specified for alpha fill
For other image editing functions, you can use Proc

Rotate and Crop Explanation

The Rotate and Crop overload rotates the whole image and the crops to a region of interest by adjusting the crop region to account for the rotation.

Consider this image:

And these parameters:

  Rotation_Angle = 10;
  Crop_Left      = 220;
  Crop_Top       = 70;
  Crop_Right     = 220 + 170;
  Crop_Bottom    = 70 + 160;

Cropping then rotating:

ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Tiger.jpg' );
ImageEnView1.Proc.Crop( Crop_Left, Crop_Top, Crop_Right, Crop_Bottom );
ImageEnView1.Proc.Rotate( Rotation_Angle, ierBicubic, clBlack );

Rotating then cropping:

ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Tiger.jpg' );
// Note the negative rotation value
ImageEnView1.Proc.Crop( Rect( Crop_Left, Crop_Top, Crop_Right, Crop_Bottom ), -Rotation_Angle, ierBicubic );


// Crop the image at position, Top-Left: (20, 20), Bottom-right: (100, 100). The resulting image will be 80 x 80 pixels
IEBmp.Crop( 20, 20, 100, 100 );

// Crop to the rect(100, 100, 300, 200) and rotate image 20 deg. Clock-wise
IEBmp.Crop( rect( 100, 100, 300, 200 ), 20, ierBicubic );

// Crops to the specified quadrilateral (4 points that will become the new corners) and applies forward perspective mapping. Useful to adjust perspective distortion
IEBmp.Crop([ DPoint(104, 85),      // Top-Left corner
             DPoint(1000, 150),    // Top-right corner
             DPoint(181, 500),     // Bottom-right corner
             DPoint(54, 400)       // Bottom-Left corner

// Fix a parallelogram
IEBmp.Crop([ DPoint(50, 0), DPoint(500, 0), DPoint(450, 400), DPoint(0, 400)]);

See Also

Global Image Methods