ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions




function WriteEx(const Filename: string; JpegQuality: integer; IOParams: TIOParams = nil): Boolean; overload;
function WriteEx(Stream: TStream; FileType: TIOFileType; JpegQuality: integer; IOParams: TIOParams = nil): Boolean; overload;


Allows a TIEBitmap to save to any format supported by ImageEn. If you are saving to JPEG you can also specify the JPEG_Quality.
For the stream overload, you must specify the file format.
You can optionally specify an TIOParams object containing the I/O parameters of the file.
Returns True if saving was successful, or False on error.

You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause
Delphi/C++ 2005 or newer is required to use helper classes


// Save the image at 90% quality
MyIEBitmap.WriteEx(SavePictureDialog1.FileName, 90);

// Save the image at 90% quality
MyIEBitmap.WriteEx(DestStream, ioJPEG, 90);

Compatibility Information

Prior to v12.0.0, WriteEx was named: IESaveToFile(), IELoadFromFileFast(), IESaveToStream()