// http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part06/chapter_B.html
TIEColorTable = (iectRainbow, // Rainbow: Standard color set from indigo to red
iectHotIron, // Hot Iron: Used in nuclear medicine applications to make differences in signal intensity (counts) more apparent to the human observer
iectPET, // PET: Used in PET applications to pseudo-color the superimposed PET images when displayed fused with underlying CT images
iectPET20Step, // PET 20 Step: Used in PET applications to make differences in signal intensity (counts) more apparent to the human observer
iectHotMetalBlue, // Hot Metal Blue: Used in nuclear medicine or PET applications to make differences in signal intensity (counts) more apparent to the human observer
iectInverted // Simple inversion of colors (Negative)