Declaration function DVDGetProperty(Prop: AnsiString; SubProp: AnsiString): AnsiString; Description
Read a property from current DVD. This method can return current DVD position and some other properties like number of titles and chapters.
Value Description
NumOfVolumes Returns number of volumes
Volume Returns current used volume
Side Returns current side (1 or 2)
NumOfTitles Returns number of titles
DiscID Returns system-generated 64-bit "unique" identification number for the specified DVD
NumOfChapters Returns number of chapters of the specified title (specify title in SubProp parameter)
Title Returns current title
Chapter Returns current chapter
Time Returns current time using format like "HH:MM:SS:FF", where FF is frame in current second
TotalTitleTime Retrieves the total playback time for the current title
// gets number of titles NumOfTitles := StrToIntDef(ImageEnView1.IO.DShowParams.DVDGetProperty('NumOfTitles'), 0); // gets number of chapters in title '1' NumOfChapters := StrToIntdef(ImageEnView1.IO.DShowParams.DVDGetProperty('NumOfChapters', '1'), 0); Demos\Display\VMR_DVD\VMR_DVD.dpr
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