procedure SetVideoInput(idx: integer; instanceIndex: integer = 0; width: integer = 0; height: integer = 0; format: AnsiString = ''; bitRate: integer = 0);
Allows selection of a video input. You can get an index from
VideoInputs property.
Parameter | Description |
idx | Index of video input |
InstanceIndex | specifies the video input on the same device |
width | Width of video frame |
height | Height of video frame |
format | Video format (ie. 'YUY2',...) |
bitRate | Bit rate in bits per second (0 = use the highest available) |
ImageEnView1.IO.DShowParams.VerboseExceptions := True;
ImageEnView.IO.DShowParams.SetVideoInput(0, 0, 640, 480); // captures at 640x480
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