ImageEn, unit iexFolderTree




property AutoDropFiles: TIEFileDragDropActions;


Whether files can be dropped onto the grid from other Windows applications, such as Explorer.

Default: [] (drag drop is disabled)

Value Description
[] Dropping of files is disabled
[iedpMove] Files that are dropped onto the control will be moved to the dropped folder
[iedpCopy] Files that are dropped onto the control will be copied to the dropped folder
[iedpCopy, iedpMove] Files that are dropped onto the control can be moved or copied to the dropped folder. If the Shift key is pressed, they will be moved, otherwise they will be copied


// Allow dragging and dropping to/from Windows Explorer
IEFolderTree1.AutoDragFiles := [iedaMove, iedaCopy];
IEFolderTree1.AutoDropFiles := [iedaMove, iedaCopy];

// Disable dragging and dropping
IEFolderTree1.AutoDragFiles := [];
IEFolderTree1.AutoDropFiles := [];

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