property OpenDialogMaxMultiSelFiles: Integer;
Specifies the size of the buffer used in
TOpenImageEnDialog. Applications need to increase this buffer if a lot of files may be selected.
OpenDialogMaxMultiSelFiles is not a firm limit, but a guarantee to support a selection size. A character buffer is used of the size,
OpenDialogMaxMultiSelFiles *
MAX_PATH (260), so realistically, a value of 1000 should allow much larger selections, e.g. 5000 files of average length of 50 characters.
Default: 1000
// Allow multi-selection of more than 10,000 files
IEGlobalSettings().OpenDialogMaxMultiSelFiles := 10000;
OpenImageEnDialog1.Options := OpenImageEnDialog1.Options + [ofAllowMultiSelect];
if OpenImageEnDialog1.Execute then
ImageEnMView1.FillFromList( OpenImageEnDialog1.Files );