function SetMediaTypeCustom(streamIndex: integer; const jsonDescription: WideString): boolean; overload;
function SetMediaTypeCustom(const streamType: WideString; const jsonDescription: WideString): boolean; overload;
Create and select a new audio/video media type. Media Foundation will provide a decoder to convert from native media type.
Returns False if the media type is not accepted (or a suitable conversion is not available).
Parameter | Description |
streamIndex | Index of the stream, in the range of 0 to StreamCount - 1 |
streamType | A string representing the stream type. Only the first stream of this type will be considered. Can be any one of the values accepted by GetStreamType |
jsonDescription | JSON description of the media type |
// Set media type to RGB32
mt := GetCurrentMediaType(mmf_VIDEO_STREAM);
if mt <> nil then
mt.Insert( IESUBTYPE_DICT_KEY, mmf_VideoFormat_RGB32 );
SetMediaTypeCustom(mmf_VIDEO_STREAM, mt.Dump(ieplJSON));
See Also