ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers |
Properties · Methods · Events · Demos · Examples
TIEMetaListView = class(TCustomListView);
TIEMetaListView is a TListView which displays meta-data of images and other files. Editing is also supported for EXIF, IPTC and DICOM tags.
There are two ways to display meta-data with TIEMetaListView:
◼Attach it to a
TImageEnView to show content for the displayed image
◼Assign it from a
TIEBitmap, image file or stream
The following meta-data types are supported:
Value | Description | Allows Editing |
iemGeneral | General file properties including: Filename, folder, file size and date. Image properties including: Image type, dimensions, color depth and resolution (See General Tag Constants) | |
iemEXIF | EXIF meta-data of JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD and Camera Raw images (See Constants for EXIF Properties) | |
iemIPTC | IPTC meta-data of JPEG, TIFF and PSD images (See PhotoShop IPTC Constants) | |
iemDicom | Medical tags of DICOM files (See Dicom Tags Supported by ImageEn) | |
iemXMP | XMP data of JPEG, TIFF, PNG and PSD images (See Constants for Common XMP Fields) | |
iemPDF | Properties of PDF documents (See Constants for PDF Properties) | |
Meta data support by file type:
File Type | General | EXIF | IPTC | XMP | DICOM | PDF Info |
Adobe PhotoShop | | | | | | |
Camera Raw Images | | | | | | |
DICOM | | | | | | |
JPEG | | | | | | |
PNG | | | | | | |
PDF Files | | | | | | |
TIFF | | | | | | |
Other Formats | | | | | | |
Note: TIEMetaListView requires Delphi 2005 or newer
Supported shortcuts are as follows:
Description | Shortcut | Note |
Copy to Clipboard | Ctrl+C | Disable by removing iemoKeyboard from Options |
Edit the current field | F2 | Disable by removing iemoKeyboard from Options |
Save editing | Return | - |
Cancel editing | Esc | - |
Edit previous field | Up | Automatically saves changes if Options includes iemoEasySave |
Edit next field | Down/Tab | Automatically saves changes if Options includes iemoEasySave |
Localized group heading are supported as well as all field names for
iemGeneral. Field names for other meta types are not localized.
| Demos\Other\MetaListView\MetaListView.dpr |
| Demos\InputOutput\DicomTags\DicomTags.dpr |
| Demos\PDF\PDFViewer\PdfViewer.dpr |
// Show meta-data fields of all types for the image in a TImageEnView (even for formats that don't support it)
IEMetaList1.AttachedImageEn := ImageEnView1;
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [iemGeneral, iemEXIF, iemIPTC, iemDicom, iemXMP, iemPDF];
// Output all Exif tags of an image
IEMetaListView1.ExifTags := [ efCommon, efCamera, efExtra, efWindows, efAdvanced];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [ iemExif ];
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\image.jpg' );
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnView1 );
// Output all Dicom tags of an image
IEMetaListView1.DicomTags := [ diStandard, diChildTags, diProprietary, diDeprecated, diUnknown ];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [ iemDicom ];
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\image.dicom' );
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnView1 );
// Export the Dicom tags of the current image to a file (exclude deprecated and unknown tags)
IEMetaListView1.DicomTags := [ diStandard, diChildTags, diProprietary ];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [ iemDicom ];
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnView1 );
IEMetaListView1.AssignTo( 'D:\DicomList.txt' );
// Show only document properties for the current PDF
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Enabled := True;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Abobe Document.pdf' );
IEMetaListView1.GroupView := False;
IEMetaListView1.AutoShowTypes := [];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [ iemPDF ];
IEMetaListView1.AttachedImageEn := ImageEnView1;
// Enable editing of EXIF, ITPC and Dicom data
IEMetaList1.AttachedImageEn := ImageEnView1;
IEMetaListView1.EditableTypes := [iemEXIF, iemIPTC, iemDicom];
// Show params for the image in a TImageEnView (alternative to attaching it)
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnView1 );
// Show params for the selected image in a TImageEnMView
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnMView1 );
// Show params for an image file
IEMetaListView1.Assign( 'C:\Image.jpeg' );
// Copy the selected meta-data fields to the clipboard
// Save content to a CSV file
IEMetaListView1.AssignTo( 'D:\ImageInfo.csv' );