ImageEn, unit iexRichEdit




procedure PaintTo(DestDC: HDC;
                  R: TRect;
                  HAlign: TIEHAlign = iehLeft;
                  VAlign: TIEVAlign = ievTop;
                  ScaleX: Double = 1; ScaleY: Double = 1;
                  AllowWrapping: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure PaintTo(Bitmap: TBitmap;
                  R: TRect;
                  HAlign: TIEHAlign = iehLeft;
                  VAlign: TIEVAlign = ievTop;
                  const PaintBackground: Boolean = False;
                  ScaleX: Double = 1; ScaleY: Double = 1;
                  AllowWrapping: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure PaintTo(Bitmap: TBitmap;
                  Margin: Integer = 0;
                  HAlign: TIEHAlign = iehLeft;
                  VAlign: TIEVAlign = ievTop;
                  const PaintBackground: Boolean = False;
                  ScaleX: Double = 1; ScaleY: Double = 1;
                  AllowWrapping: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure PaintTo(Bitmap: TIEBitmap;
                  R: TRect;
                  HAlign: TIEHAlign = iehLeft;
                  VAlign: TIEVAlign = ievTop;
                  const PaintBackground: Boolean = True;
                  const EnableAlpha: Boolean = False;
                  ScaleX: Double = 1; ScaleY: Double = 1;
                  AllowWrapping: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure PaintTo(Bitmap: TIEBitmap;
                  Margin: Integer = 0;
                  HAlign: TIEHAlign = iehLeft;
                  VAlign: TIEVAlign = ievTop;
                  const PaintBackground: Boolean = True;
                  const EnableAlpha: Boolean = False;
                  ScaleX: Double = 1; ScaleY: Double = 1;
                  AllowWrapping: Boolean = True); overload;


Draw the content to a TIEBitmap or TBitmap.
HAlign and VAlign specify the alignment of the text on the image.
If PaintBackground is true, the editor background is painted to the image (i.e. the image will have the same solid color background as the Editor, typically white). If false, the existing background (non-text area) of the image will be preserved.
If EnableAlpha is true, the background (non-text area) will be be transparent.
The Scale properties allow you to zoom the content (i.e. make text appear bigger or smaller).
Set AllowWrapping to false to force text to be drawn on a single line regardless of fit.


// Paint rich editor content to TImageEnView
  Text_Margin = 30;
  bmp : TIEBitmap;
  imgW, imgH, textW, textH: Integer;
  textRect: TRect;
  imgW  := ImageEnView1.Width;
  imgH  := ImageEnView1.Height;
  textW := imgW - 2 * Text_Margin;

  // Calc height of text at this width
  textH := IERichEdit1.TextHeight( 0, textW );

  textRect := Rect( Text_Margin,
                    Text_Margin + textW,
                    Text_Margin + textH );

  bmp := TIEBitmap.Create;
    bmp.width  := imgW;
    bmp.height := imgH;

    // Load an image to use as background?
    if not ( chkUseEditorBackground.checked or chkEnableAlpha.checked ) then

    IERichEdit1.PaintTo( bmp, textRect, iehLeft, ievTop, chkUseEditorBackground.checked, chkEnableAlpha.checked );


// Paint rich editor content to TImage
  Text_Margin = 30;
  bmp: TBitmap;
  imgW, imgH, textW, textH: Integer;
  textRect: TRect;
  imgW  := Image1.Width;
  imgH  := Image1.Height;
  textW := imgW - 2 * Text_Margin;

  // Calc height of text at this width
  textH := IERichEdit1.TextHeight( 0, textW );

  textRect := Rect( Text_Margin,
                    Text_Margin + textW,
                    Text_Margin + textH );

  bmp := TBitmap.Create;
    bmp.width  := imgW;
    bmp.height := imgH;

    // Load an image to use as background?
    if not chkUseEditorBackground.checked then

    IERichEdit1.PaintTo( bmp, textRect, iehLeft, ievTop, chkUseEditorBackground.checked );


// Output an RTF file as an image
  Out_Width   = 500;
  Out_Height  = 800;
  Text_Margin = 20;
  re : TIERichEdit;
  bmp: TIEBitmap;
  textRect: TRect;
  bmp := TIEBitmap.Create;
  re := TIERichEdit.CreateParented(HWND(HWND_MESSAGE));
    re.Visible  := False;
    re.WordWrap := False;
    re.OpenFromFile( 'D:\RTF Document.rtf' );

    bmp.width  := Out_Width;
    bmp.height := Out_Height;

    textRect := Rect( Text_Margin,
                      Out_Width - Text_Margin,
                      Out_Height - Text_Margin );

    re.PaintTo( bmp, textRect, iehCenter, ievCenter, True );

    bmp.SaveToFile('D:\RtfImage.jpeg' );

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