ImageEn, unit iexSVG




// Extract tags overload
function ParseSVG(const SVGContent: String; var DestTags: TIESVGTags; var TagCount: Integer; ExtractTSpans: Boolean = True): Boolean; overload;
function ParseSVG(const FileName: String; Stream: TStream; var DestTags: TIESVGTags; var TagCount: Integer; ExtractTSpans: Boolean = True): Boolean; overload;

// Rendering overload
function ParseSVG(const SVGContent: string; DestBitmap: TIEBitmap; ImportWidth: Integer = -1; ImportHeight: Integer = -1; MaintainAR: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;
function ParseSVG(const FileName: WideString; Stream: TStream; DestBitmap: TIEBitmap; ImportWidth: Integer = -1; ImportHeight: Integer = -1; MaintainAR: Boolean = False; ParamsOnly: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;

// Layer importing overload
function ParseSVG(const SVGContent: string; DestImageEnView: TIEView; Append: Boolean; ImproveLayout: Boolean = True): Integer; overload;
function ParseSVG(const FileName: String; Stream: TStream; DestImageEnView: TIEView; Append: Boolean; ImproveLayout: Boolean = True): Integer; overload;


Parse an SVG file or stream.
Tags can be output as an array, imported as layers into a TImageEnView (though you are better to use LayersImport) or rendered to a TIEBitmap (though you are better to use ImportFromFileSVG).

If ExtractTSpans = True, any embedded TSpans will be converted to text tags.

For the TIEBitmap overload, set ImportWidth and ImportHeight to the desired image size. If -1 is specified for both, the original image size is used.
To maintain the image aspect ratio set only one size, assigning -1 to the other, e.g. ImportFromFileSVG( 'axi.svg', -1, 500 ); or set both values and enable MaintainAR.
Result is false if the tag could not be interpreted.


Demo  Demos\InputOutput\SVGParsing\SVGParsing.dpr


// Add a description of all SVG tags to a TMemo
svgParser := TIESVGParser.Create();
  svgParser.ParseSVG( Filename, nil, svgTags, svgTagCount );

  for i := 0 to Length( svgTags ) - 1 do
    s := svgTags[i].Content;
    if Length( s ) > MAX_LENGTH then
      SetLength( s, MAX_LENGTH );
      s := s + '...';
    lbxSvgTags.Lines.Add( s );


// Manually render an SVG
svgParser := TIESVGParser.Create();
  // Note: This will be the same as ImageEnView3.IO.ImportFromFileSVG() if Skia or ImageMagick is not being used
  svgParser.ParseSVG( mySvgContent, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap, -1, -1, True );
  ImageEnView1.Fit( False );


See Also

 SVG Implementation Status