property IEN_SaveAsVersion: Integer;
Allows you to save IEN files to a legacy format so they can be be loaded by applications created with older versions of ImageEn.
If -1 is specified then the files are saved using the current ImageEn format.
The minimum value is 9010.
Typical values are: 9010, 9025, 9030, 10000, 10100, 10101, 10210, 10310, 11310, 11450, 12200, 13100, etc. For more information, see
ImageEn Layer File Versions.
Note: Saving to older formats will cause some properties of your layers to be lost
Default: -1
// Save layer file so it can be read by applications created with ImageEn v9.1.0
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.IEN_SaveAsVersion := 9010;
See Also