property WicFastLoading: boolean;
Enables use of
TIEWICReader for loading of JPEG and PNG files. This can greatly improve loading speed compared with native Delphi code.
Although WIC supports BMP, PNG, ICO, JPEG, GIF, TIFF and HDP,
WicFastLoading is only used with JPEG (around 3 times faster) and PNG (around 30% faster), because it tends to be slower with TIFF and GIF, and provides no speed benefits with BMP and ICO.
WicFastLoadingis best when you want fastest loading of a full size view of the image.
WicFastLoading is enabled, it will automatically use normal loading for unsupported formats
◼WicFastLoading will not be used if
JPEG_Scale <> ioJPEG_FullSize
Engine Performance

// Faster loading of a JPEG
ImageEnView1.IO.WicFastLoading := True;
| Demos\InputOutput\IEViewPerformance\Performance.dpr |
See Also