function DoPrintPreviewDialog(const TaskName: string = ''; PrintAnnotations: boolean = False; const Caption: string = ''; ThumbnailPrinting: Boolean = False): boolean;
Executes the multi-page print preview dialog. This function is like DoPrintPreviewDialog of
TImageEnIO, but allows working with multiple pages.
Parameter | Description |
TaskName | Specifies the description of the task in the Print Manager and network header pages (defaults to the application name) |
PrintAnnotations | If true and the image contains imaging or ImageEn annotations they will be printed |
Caption | Specifies the caption of the Print Preview dialog |
ThumbnailPrinting | If true then it defaults to printing of thumbnails, otherwise the default is read from PrintPreviewParams |
◼The language used in the dialog is controlled by
MsgLanguage. The styling can also be adjusted using
◼You can customize the dialog using
◼Use the
OnPrintPage or
OnPrintPage events to add a heading to the printed page
◼If you are
printing a PDF, you should use
| Demos\Multi\Multiview\Multi.dpr |
| Demos\Multi\ContactSheets\ContactSheets.dpr |
| Demos\Other\ImageEn_Dialogs\ImageEn_Dialogs.dpr |

// Display the Print Preview maximized
ImageEnMView1.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.DlgMaximized := True;
ImageEnMView1.MIO.DoPrintPreviewDialog('', false, 'Print Preview');
Compatibility Information
Prior to v8.0.0, if the user specified a width and height in the Preview dialog, it would not adjust the output to ensure the image aspect ratio was maintained (i.e. image may print stretched). With 8.0.0, the aspect ratio is maintained by default. To restore the older functionality, set ImageEnMView1.MIO.PrintingMaintainAR := False;
See Also