Declaration procedure SaveSnapshot(FileName: WideString; SaveCache: Boolean = True; Compressed: Boolean = False; SaveParams: Boolean = False); procedure SaveSnapshot(Stream: TStream; SaveCache: Boolean = True; Compressed: Boolean = False; SaveParams: Boolean = False); Description
Saves the image, cache data, text and dimensions of all frames to the specified stream or file.
This can be used to create caching mechanism, like Windows .db files, to load quickly an entire directory of images.
Value Description
Filename/Stream Destination for snapshot
SaveCache If enabled (default), the image cache is also saved. This will speed up display but require more disk space
Compressed If enabled, an LZ compression algorithm is used to reduce disk space (though saving will be slower)
SaveParams Enable to save the input/output parameters for all images
The following properties are saved:
◼ Images
◼ Image Params (meta-data) (if SaveParams=True)
◼ Properties of images such as
ImageFileName ,
ImageTopText ,
ImageInfoText ,
ImageBottomText , etc.
◼ Cached images (if SaveCache=True)
◼ StoreType
◼ ThumbWidth ,
◼ UpperGap ,
BottomGap ,
LeftGap ,
◼ TextMargin
◼ Filter
TImageEnFolderMView the following are also saved:
◼ Folder
◼ FileTypes ,
◼ ExclusionMask
◼ SortOrder ,
◼ ShowFolders ,
You can reload a saved snapshot using
LoadSnapshot .
Note: TImageEnMView and TImageEnFolderMView snapshot files cannot be used interchangeably. Nor can 32 and 64bit versions of your application, or unicode and non-unicode versions.
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