ImageEn, unit imageenproc |
procedure Warp(Origin: TPoint; Dest: TPoint; BrushSize: integer); overload;
procedure Warp(Origin: TPoint; WarpX, WarpY: Integer; BrushSize: integer); overload;
"Push" an area of the image.
Parameter | Description |
Origin | The start point of the warping (in terms of the bitmap) |
Dest | The end point of the warping (in terms of the bitmap) |
WarpX, WarpY | Number of pixels to push the image (negative or positive values ) |
BrushSize | The size of the area to warp (in pixels) |
◼Available as a
RetouchTool by setting
MouseInteractGeneral to [miRetouchTool] and
RetouchMode to iermWarp
◼Also consider
thinPlateSplineShapeTransform which performs a regional warp transformation
| Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr |
// Load test image
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\TestImage.jpg' );

// Push the center of the image to the right
ImageEnView1.Proc.Warp( Point( 150, 150 ), 25, 0, 50 );