ImageEn, unit imageenview |
property CloneTool: TIECloneToolInteraction;
Provides access to the methods and properties of the
TIECloneToolInteraction class, which is used when
MouseInteractGeneral is
The clone tool allows the user to copy content of one part of an image to apply elsewhere, e.g. to erase unwanted content. When used with a tablet/pen, then
pressure will affect the clone brush size and/or opacity.
The process is as follows:
1. User clicks the image to specify a clone source point
2. User clicks elsewhere on the image to copy the content from the source point to the destination
3. User can continue to click or drag to clone content, which will be copied with the same offset as the cloning in step 2
Note: You can hold the shift key to snap movement to the axes
| Demos\ImageEditing\CloneTool\CloneBrush.dpr |
// Enable Clone mode
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miCloneTool];
// Cancel Clone tool (same as user clicking "Esc") so user will need to click again to select a clone source
// Show clone brush properties dialog
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miCloneTool];
See Also
◼ImageEn Interactive Tools