ImageEn, unit imageenview




// Regular transition overloads
procedure RunTransition(Effect: TIETransitionType; Duration: integer = -1); overload;

// Pan-Zoom transition overloads
procedure RunTransition(PanZoomEffect: TIEPanZoomType; EffectZoom: Integer = 20; Duration: integer = -1; Smoothing: Integer = 96); overload;
procedure RunTransition(StartRect, EndRect: TRect; MaintainAspectRatio: Boolean = True; Duration: integer = -1; Smoothing: Integer = 96); overload;

// Full overloads
procedure RunTransition(Effect: TIETransitionType; Duration: integer; PanZoomEffect: TIEPanZoomType; EffectZoom: Integer; Smoothing: Integer = 96); overload;
procedure RunTransition(Effect: TIETransitionType; Duration: integer; StartRect, EndRect: TRect; MaintainAspectRatio: Boolean; Smoothing: Integer = 96); overload;


RunTransition starts the transition using Effect and Duration parameters.
Effect specifies the effect. Duration specifies the display time of the transition in milliseconds (if -1 is specifed the default duration is used).

If effect is iettPanZoom then use one of the overloaded versions:

Pan-Zoom Overload 1:
Value Description
PanZoomEffect One of ImageEn's built-in Pan-Zoom effects
EffectZoom If the specified PanZoomEffect is a "Zoom" type, then this specifies the maximum amount to zoom in, e.g. 20%
Smoothing In order to reduce the "jumpiness" of pan-zoom effects, transition frames are alpha blended. A low value will improve smoothness, but increase blurriness. A high value will improve clarity, but increase jumpiness. Typical range is 64 - 196. 255 means no alpha blending

Pan-Zoom Overload 2:
Value Description
StartRect The starting rectangle of an iettPanZoom transition (specified in bitmap points)
EndRect The ending rectangle of an iettPanZoom transition (specified in bitmap points)
MaintainAspectRatio StartRect and EndRect will be automatically adjusted to ensure the image appears with the correct aspect ratio
Smoothing In order to reduce the "jumpiness" of pan-zoom effects, transition frames are alpha blended. A low value will improve smoothness, but increase blurriness. A high value will improve clarity, but increase jumpiness. Typical range is 64 - 196. 255 means no alpha blending




An easier way to use display transition is just to set TransitionEffect
If the transition effect is not a Pan-Zoom (iettPanZoom) transition, then you must call PrepareTransition() before calling RunTransition()


Demo  Demos\Display\Transitions\Transitions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Display\PanZoomEffects\PanZoomEffects.dpr


// Transition from Image1.jpg to Image2.jpg with "Random Points" transition
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile('D:\image1.jpg');         // Load initial image
ImageEnView1.PrepareTransition();                      // Prepare the transition
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile('D:\image2.jpg');         // Load the next image (but does not display it)
ImageEnView1.RunTransition(iettRandompoints, 500);     // Execute the transition
                                                  // Automatically adjust starting and ending rect to ensure the transition does not distort the image

// Pan from the top-left corner of the image to the bottom-right
                           20,                         // 20% zoom effect
                           2000);                      // 2 second transition

// Pan from the top-left corner of the image to the bottom-right (Image is 600 x 800)
ImageEnView1.RunTransition(Rect(0, 0, 300, 400),       // Top-left quarter
                           Rect(300, 400, 600, 800),   // Bottom-right quarter
                           2000);                      // 2 second transition

// Set properties for Word transition
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransWord      := 'BLAM';
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransFontName  := 'Arial';
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransFontStyle := [fsBold];

// Prepare ImageEnView1 for a transition (e.g. so loading the image will not immediately update the display)

// Load the next image
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( GetNextImage() );

// Run the transition
ImageEnView1.RunTransition( iettRandomBoxesWithWord, 1000 );

// Slide Transition from old.bmp to new.bmp ensuring that both are shown as the same height
procedure TForm1.btnCompareClick(Sender: TObject);
  Display_Zoom = 100;
  Center_Image = True;
  bh: Integer;
  iz: Double;
  // Get original image as transition start
  ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( ExtractFilePath( Application.ExeName ) + 'old.bmp' );
  ImageEnView1.Zoom := Display_Zoom;
  if Center_Image then
   ImageEnView1.SetViewXY( 0, 0 );

  bh := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height;
  iz := ImageEnView1.Zoom;

  // Load second image as transition result (Zoom to match display size of old image)
  ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( ExtractFilePath( Application.ExeName ) + 'new.bmp' );
  ImageEnView1.Zoom := iz / ( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height / bh );
  if Center_Image then
   ImageEnView1.SetViewXY( 0, 0 );

  // Run the transition
  ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.AlternativeStyle := True;    // Include transition line
  ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WipeLineColor := clYellow;
  ImageEnView1.RunTransition( iettRightLeft, 3000 );         // Wipe Right to Left

See Also


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