ImageEn, unit iexActions

TImageEnView Actions

ImageEn includes over 400 actions for ImageEnView, ImageEnView Layers, ImageEnMView , ImageEnFolderMView and IERichEdit components to allow you to rapidly develop your UI (and instantly localize in twenty-five languages).


To use actions:

1. Add a TActionList component to your form
2. Double-click your TActionList to open it
3. Select "New Standard Action"
4. Scroll down to the ImageEnView actions, select the ones you require and click OK
5. Assign the actions to menu items and buttons


Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_Viewer\ViewerActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Actions\AllActions\AllActions.dpr

Base Properties
Published Property  ActionType Specifies the type of action: whether the control only performs a function (ieaButton), toggles a state (ieaCheckbox), or changes between multiple states (ieaRadioButton)
Published Property  ImageEnView Optional property: Specify a TImageEnView if you have multiple on a form and want to limit actions to one of them
Published Property  RequiresFocus If enabled, actions have no effect unless a TImageEnView is focused, otherwise actions work and change whatever control is focused. You must set this to true, or use the ImageEnView property if you have multiple TImageEnView controls on a form (Default: False)


You can set MsgLanguage to localize the actions
Some actions include shortcuts. The VCL does not allow these to be cleared at design-time. Disable them at run-time as follows: ImageEnView1PromptToOpen1.ShortCut := 0;
See the list of the default ImageIndexes if you are planning to add graphics to your actions
You can respond to action behavior using OnActionExecute

General Actions

Action Name Description Associated Method Extra Properties
TImageEnViewAutoShrink Auto-Shrink Display large images at the window size AutoShrink -
TImageEnViewAutoStretch Auto-Stretch Display small images at the window size AutoStretch -
TImageEnViewAutoFit Fit Fit image to window (sets AutoShrink and AutoStretch) FitMode -
TImageEnViewAutoFitToWidth Fit Width Fit image width to window (sets AutoShrink and AutoStretch) FitMode -
TImageEnViewAutoFitToHeight Fit Height Fit image height to window (sets AutoShrink and AutoStretch) FitMode -
TImageEnViewViewFullSize Actual Size Show image at 100% zoom (disables AutoShrink and AutoStretch) Zoom -
TImageEnViewBlank Clear Clear the image Blank -
TImageEnViewClearAll Clear All Clear the image and layers ClearAll -
TImageEnViewSelectAll Select All Select all content Select or SelectAll -
TImageEnViewDeselect Deselect Clear your selection Deselect or ClearSelection -
TImageEnViewInvertSelection Invert Selection Invert your selection InvertSelection -
TImageEnViewFit Fit Image Display the image at the size of the window Fit -
TImageEnViewFitToHeight Fit Image to Height Display the image at the height of the window FitToHeight -
TImageEnViewFitToWidth Fit Image to Width Display the image at the width of the window FitToWidth -
TImageEnViewEnableAdjustOrientation Auto-Rotate Display Automatically display image with the correct orientation EnableAdjustOrientation -
TImageEnViewPlaying Animate Display the animation of a GIF or AVI file Playing -
TImageEnViewPlayLoop Loop Playback Continuously loop the playback of a GIF or AVI file PlayLoop" -
TImageEnViewShowGuidelines Show Guidelines Show guidelines over image to aid rotation DisplayGridKind -
TImageEnViewShowRulers Show Rulers Show measurement rulers beside image ShowRulers -
TImageEnViewRulerUnitPixels Pixels Show ruler in pixels Units -
TImageEnViewRulerUnitInches Inches Show ruler in onches Units -
TImageEnViewRulerUnitMillimeters Millimeters Show ruler in millimeters Units -
TImageEnViewRulerUnitCentimeters Centimeters Show ruler in centimeters Units -
TImageEnViewRulerUnits Set Ruler units Show ruler in specified units Units RulerUnits
TImageEnViewZoomIn Zoom In Display the image larger ZoomIn -
TImageEnViewZoomOut Zoom Out Display the image smaller ZoomOut -
TImageEnViewZoomFullSize Zoom to Full Size Display the image at full size Zoom -
TImageEnViewSetZoom Zoom to x% Display the image at x% Zoom Zoom Zoom
TImageEnViewPromptForColor Select Color Display the color selection dialog IEPromptForColor ColorSelectAction, SelectedColor
TImageEnViewBrushShowProperties Brush Properties Adjust the size, color and other properties of the brush BrushShowPropertiesDialog ApplyAll
TImageEnViewBrushSize Brush Size Adjust the size of the brush BrushSize -
TImageEnSetLanguage Set Language to X Change the language of all ImageEn controls and dialogs MsgLanguage Language

General Mouse Actions

Action Name Description Associated Method Extra Properties
TImageEnViewMouseMovingScroll Scroll to Cursor Move the mouse to scroll the image miMovingScroll Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseScroll Scroll Image Click the image and drag the mouse to scroll miScroll Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelect Rectangular Select Select a rectangular area of your image miSelect Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelectRoundRect Rounded Rect Select Select a rounded rectangular area of your image miSelect Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelectCircle Circular Select Select a circular area of your image miSelectCircle Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelectLasso Lasso Select Perform an irregular selection of your image by dragging the mouse miSelectLasso Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelectMagicWand Select by Color (Magic Wand) Select a portion of your image of a similar color miSelectMagicWand Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelectChromaKey Select by Color (Chroma Key) Select a portion of your image of a similar color miSelectChromaKey Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelectPolygon Polygon Select Perform an irregular selection of your image by clicking the mouse miSelectPolygon Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseSelectZoom Zoom to Selection Select an area of the image to zoom into miSelectZoom Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseZoom Zoom Click the image to Zoom In. Ctrl+click (or Right-click) to Zoom Out miZoom, miSmoothZoom or miDblClickZoom Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseZoomAndScroll Zoom and Scroll Left-click the image to Zoom In. Right-click to Zoom Out. Click the image and drag the mouse to scroll miZoom and miScroll Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureLength Measure Length Click and drag to measure a length miMeasureLength Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureRect Measure Area Click and drag to measure a rectangular area miMeasureRect Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureEllipse Measure Ellipse Click and drag to measure a circular area miMeasureEllipse Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseMeasurePath Measure Polyline Use multiple clicks to measure a length or area miMeasurePath Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseMeasureAngle Measure Angle Click three points to measure an angle miMeasureAngle Exclusive
TImageEnViewMouseColorPicker Enable the Color Picker Enable the Color Picker so the user can select a color within the image. The effect of the selection is configured by TImageEnView.FillTool.ColorSelectActions miColorPicker -
TImageEnViewMouseAdjustBlackWhite Adjust Brightness/Contrast Click and drag up/down to adjust brightness. Click and drag left/right to adjust contrast miAdjustBlackWhite -
TImageEnViewMousePdfSelect Select Text and Images Select text or images in the current page (PdfViewer) miPdfSelectText, miPdfSelectRgn -
* Also see: Layer Mouse Actions

Interactive Editing Tools

Action Name Description Associated Method Extra Properties
TImageEnViewAlphaFillTool Enable the Alpha Fill Tool Enable the alpha fill tool with to replace areas of a similar color with transparency TIEFillToolInteraction (Shift key makes it more aggressive at color selection. Alt key switches to Color fill) -
TImageEnViewBrushTool Enable the Paint Brush Enable the brush tool to paint content onto the image TIEBrushToolInteraction BrushShape, BrushFill
TImageEnViewColorFillTool Enable the Flood Fill Tool Enable the flood fill tool with to replace areas of a similar color with a new color TIEFillToolInteraction (Shift key makes it more aggressive at color selection. Alt key switches to Alpha fill) -
TImageEnViewEraserTool Enable the Eraser Enable the brush tool with an eraser fill to clear content from the image TIEBrushToolInteraction EraserOpacity
TImageEnViewBackgroundEraserTool Enable the Background Eraser Enable the brush tool with a special eraser that removes the background from the image TIEBrushToolInteraction EraserOpacity
TImageEnViewCloneTool Enable Cloning Enable the clone brush tool to clone content from one part of an image to another TIECloneToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewCropToolEnable Enable Cropping Enable cropping mode to select an area of image to maintain TIECropToolInteraction CropMode
TImageEnViewCropToolEnactCrop Crop to Selection Crop the image to the selection Enact -
TImageEnViewCropToolCancelCrop Cancel Cropping Clear the current crop selection Cancel -
TImageEnViewRetouchTool Enable the Retouch Tool Enable the retouch tool to make corrections to the image TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewSmudgeTool Enable the Smudge Tool Enable the retouch tool in Smudge mode TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewBlurTool Enable the Blur Tool Enable the retouch tool in Blur mode TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewMotionBlurTool Enable the Motion BlurTool Enable the retouch tool in Motion Blur mode TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewSmoothTool Enable the Retouch Tool Enable the retouch tool in Smooth mode (Optionally uses IEVision) TIERetouchToolInteraction UseIEVision
TImageEnViewPixelizeTool Enable the Pixelize Tool Enable the retouch tool in Pixelize mode TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewBrightnessTool Enable the Brightness Tool Enable the retouch tool in Brightness mode TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewInpaintTool Enable the Inpaint Tool Enable the retouch tool in Inpaint mode (Requires IEVision) TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewWarpTool Enable the Warping Tool Enable the retouch tool in Warp mode TIERetouchToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewRotateTool Drag to Rotate Enable the Rotate tool to freely rotate the image with the mouse TIERotateToolInteraction BackgroundColor
TImageEnViewRotateAndCropTool Drag to Rotate and Crop Enable the Rotate tool to freely rotate the image with the mouse and then crop TIERotateToolInteraction CropAlgorithm, BackgroundColor
TImageEnViewSprayTool Enable the Spray Can Enable the brush tool with a spray fill to paint content onto the image TIEBrushToolInteraction BrushFill
TImageEnViewTransformToolEnable Enable the Warp Tranformation tool Enable the Warp Tranformation tool to apply a Thin Plate Spline transformation to the image TIETransformToolInteraction -
TImageEnViewTransformToolEnact Apply Tranformation Apply the current tranformation Enact -
TImageEnViewTransformToolCancel Cancel Tranformation Clear the current tranformation Cancel -

Proc Actions

Action Name Description Associated Method Extra Properties
TImageEnViewDoPreviews Do Effects Display the Effects dialog for editing and enhancing the image (all or a specific effect) DoPreviews Effects
TImageEnViewDoAdjustPreviews Adjust Colors Perform color enhancement functions on the image DoPreviews(ppeColorAdjustments) -
TImageEnViewDoEffectPreviews Image Effects Perform effects on the image DoPreviews(ppeSpecialEffects) -
TImageEnViewDoEditPreviews Edit Image Perform editing functions on the image: rotate, resize, crop, etc. DoPreviews(ppeEditingFunctions) -
TImageEnViewPromptToResize Prompt to Resize Display the previews dialog to allow the user to resample (resize) the image DoPreviews ResampleFilter
TImageEnViewPromptToRotate Prompt to Rotate Display the previews dialog to allow the user to rotate the image to a custom angle DoPreviews AntiAliasMode
TImageEnViewRotateRight Rotate Right Rotate the image 90° clockwise Rotate -
TImageEnViewRotate180 Rotate 180° Rotate the image 180° clockwise Rotate -
TImageEnViewRotateLeft Rotate Left Rotate the image 90° counter-clockwise Rotate -
TImageEnViewFlipHorizontal Flip Horizontal Flip the image from top to bottom Flip -
TImageEnViewFlipVertical Flip Vertical Flip the image from left to right Flip -
TImageEnViewCrop Crop to Selection Remove all parts of the image outside the current selection Crop -
TImageEnViewDeleteSelection Delete Selection Remove the selection area of the image CutToClipboard -
TImageEnViewCutToClipboard Cut Cut the current image or selection to the clipboard CutToClipboard Cut Source
TImageEnViewCopyToClipboard Copy Copy the current image or selection to the clipboard CopyToClipboard Copy Source
TImageEnViewPasteFromClipboard Paste Paste an image from the clipboard PasteFromClipboard Paste Dest
TImageEnViewUndo Undo Undo the last action Undo ShowUndoAction
TImageEnViewRedo Redo Redo the last action that was undone Redo ShowRedoAction
TImageEnViewConvertToGray Convert to Gray Reduce the colors of the image to grayscale ConvertToGray -
TImageEnViewHistAutoEqualize Auto Equalize Colors Equalizes the color histogram for the selected region HistAutoEqualize -
TImageEnViewAutoSharp Auto Sharpen Automatically enhances the image sharpness by sharpening the contours of detected objects AutoSharp Intensity, Rate
TImageEnViewAutoImageEnhance Auto Enhance Image Performs a series of complex operations to improve the contrast and colors in the image Various, see AutoEnhance Methods SubsampledSize, Slope, Cut, Neighbour
TImageEnViewNegative Negative Invert the colors of the image Negative -
TImageEnViewPixelize Pixelize Obscure the selected area of the image Pixelize BlockSize
TImageEnViewCartoonify Cartoonify Convert the image to a cartoon line effect Cartoonify LineColor,Overlay, Radius, RemoveNoiseSize
TImageEnViewRemoveRedEyes Remove Red-Eyes Remove the red-eye effect from the selection RemoveRedEyes -
TImageEnViewSharpen Sharpen Apply a sharpening filter to the image Sharpen Intensity, Neighbourhood
TImageEnViewSmooth Smooth Smooths and removes noise from the image Various, see Smoothing Method SmoothStrength
TImageEnViewInpaint Patch Selection Apply an inpainting method to the selected area inpaint -
TImageEnViewRemoveChromaKey Remove Chroma-Key Removes the Chroma-Key background from the image RemoveChromaKey KeyColor (if clNone, it is guessed using the whole image or current selection), Tolerance, Saturation, FeatherEdges, HueReduction, RemoveNoise

IO Actions

Action Name Description Associated Method Extra Properties
TImageEnViewPromptToOpen Open Load an image from file ExecuteOpenDialog, LoadFromFile DialogTitle, DefaultFilter, LimitToFileType, FileName
TImageEnViewSave Save Save changes to this image to file SaveToFile EnableOnlyWhenChanged, FileName
TImageEnViewPromptToSave Save as Save this image to a new filename ExecuteSaveDialog, SaveToFile DialogTitle, DefaultFilter, LimitToFileType, FileName
TImageEnViewDoIOPreviews Save Properties Specify advanced properties for this image DoPreviews PreviewParams
TImageEnViewDoPrintPreviewDialog Print Preview Display a preview of this image for printing DoPrintPreviewDialog DialogType
TImageEnViewPrintImageNormal Print Print this image at its original size PrintImage -
TImageEnViewPrintImageFitToPage Print to Page Print this image to fit the page PrintImage -
TImageEnViewSelectAcquireSource Select Acquisition Source Select the camera or scanner to acquire images from SelectAcquireSource Apis
TImageEnViewAcquire Acquire Retrieve an image from a camera or scanner Acquire -
TImageEnViewSeekFirst First Frame Display the first frame of this image Seek -
TImageEnViewSeekPrior Previous Frame Display the prior frame of this image Seek -
TImageEnViewSeekNext Next Frame Display the next frame of this image Seek -
TImageEnViewSeekLast Last Frame Display the last frame of this image Seek -

PdfViewer Actions

Action Name Description Associated Method Extra Properties
TIEPdfViewerEnabled PDF Viewing Enable viewing of PDF documents PdfViewer AllowTextSelection (miPdfSelectText), AllowImageSelection (miPdfSelectRgn), AllowFormEditing , AllowObjectEditing
TIEPdfViewerShowAllPages Show All Pages Display all pages of the document ShowAllPages -
TIEPdfViewerRotateViewNormal Rotation Normal Do not rotate page for display ViewRotation -
TIEPdfViewerRotateView90 Rotate Right Rotate page clockwise for display ViewRotation -
TIEPdfViewerRotateView180 Rotate 180 Rotate page 180 for display ViewRotation -
TIEPdfViewerRotateView270 Rotate Left Rotate page counter-clockwise for display ViewRotation -
TIEPdfViewerPageRotateNormal Rotation Normal Do not rotate current page PageRotation -
TIEPdfViewerPageRotate90 Rotate Right Rotate current page clockwise PageRotation -
TIEPdfViewerPageRotate180 Rotate 180 Rotate current page 180 PageRotation -
TIEPdfViewerPageRotate270 Rotate Left Rotate current page counter-clockwise PageRotation -
TIEPdfViewerFindDialog Find Display the find dialog FindDialog AllPages
TIEPdfViewerImportPages Import Pages Import a PDF file into the current document ImportPages AppendToEnd, PageRange
TIEPdfViewerPromotePage Promote Page Move page toward start of document MovePages -
TIEPdfViewerDemotePage Demote Page Move page toward end of document MovePages -
TIEPdfViewerDeletePage Delete Page Delete the current page DeletePages -