ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder


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T O P I C    R E V I E W
xequte Posted - Feb 02 2014 : 22:03:18
250 demo projects are included with ImageEn, and can also be accessed at:

But we also welcome users to submit other demos that might be useful, and also link to their own applications that have been created with ImageEn.

Please upload your demo by posting a reply and clicking "attach a photo or zip" (full source demos only, with an EXE). When linking to a demo or application please advise whether it is full source, free or $$$. If possible, also include a screenshot.

Many more demos are available with Adirondack's ImageEn E-book:

Xequte Software
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Genricxs Posted - Feb 17 2025 : 17:37:46
Thanks for sharing.
xequte Posted - Jul 27 2023 : 23:55:46
ICC Profile Properties
by Xequte Software
EXE and Full Source
Delphi 5 or higher

Display all string properties of an ICC color profile.

3.4 MB

Xequte Software
xequte Posted - Oct 06 2022 : 01:09:36
Nice work, Laser AOC!

Xequte Software
Laser AOC Posted - Mar 09 2022 : 05:35:31
Hello All,

We have just updated our world class photo editing and designing product PhotoSense.

Now we can safely say that it is the best alternative to Photoshop and many other main stream image editing software.

I want to mention one notable feature and that is we have integrated AI in image correction functionality so that a user can make better image corrections with minimum of efforts and get consistent results.

Another very powerful and notable feature is Cutout. It is the worlds fastest & easiest and it is non destructive!!

The Feature List is very long so instead of pasting it here I would ask you to visit our product's website and see for yourself.

You can download PhotoSense from here:


Laser AOC
xequte Posted - Mar 03 2022 : 19:02:35
Threaded Processing Demo

Applying image effects in a background thread.

Full Source and Demo EXE:

*** NOTE: There is an official ImageEn threading demo at:

William Miller
Adirondack Software & Graphics
Custom ImageEn Development
xequte Posted - Feb 08 2022 : 22:47:55
Resource Extractor Demo

View and extract resources from EXE, DLL and ICON files

Full Source and Demo EXE:

*** NOTE: There is an official ImageEn resource extraction demo at:

William Miller
Adirondack Software & Graphics
Custom ImageEn Development
Tom Posted - Feb 03 2022 : 08:09:56
We also used this software and this library to develop an application for our client. Thank you, it's helpful.
xequte Posted - Apr 14 2021 : 05:29:56
Hi Kursat

iebfSpray? Wow, it looks really good as a chalk effect.

Xequte Software
kturkay Posted - Apr 13 2021 : 07:21:19
if (isChalk) then
Iv.BrushTool.BrushFill := iebfSpray;
xequte Posted - Apr 13 2021 : 05:53:38
Hi Kursat

You don't need an external library for SVG vector support. You can use the ImageMagick plug-in from our download page. I've added a demo in 10.0.0 showing how to do render SVG layers:


You can run it directly too:

I like your CreaLesson app. What is the method you use for the chalk text effect?

Xequte Software
PeterPanino Posted - Apr 10 2021 : 07:49:11
Here is my demo of a rectangle version of the COLOR WHEEL ("Squaring the circle"), using the HSV color model.

Different color wheel schemes can be selected:

• All Colors
• Complementary Colors
• Analogous Colors
• Split Complementary Colors
• Triadic Colors
• Tetradic Colors
• Less Analogous Colors

Featuring these ImageEn controls:

• TIEColorPalette
• TIEColorButton

23.31 KB

kturkay Posted - Apr 08 2021 : 06:56:39
Howto import SVG vectors.

(imageenmfolderview also displays svg files. using similar method. I just forgot to add for now. but will add it to this demo in next my freetime.)

(My code is not crystal clear and buggy (forgot to freeandnil the svgdoc in demo). notime. but you got the idea)
happy build vectorial apps with imageen.

3859.74 KB

exe demo and source code attached to this post below:\VectorInImageen\Win32\Release\VectorInImageen.exe
svg samples included.

Kind Regards.
xequte Posted - Apr 05 2021 : 23:15:49
Nice work, Andreas and Kursat

Xequte Software
AScomp Posted - Jan 17 2021 : 12:22:50
Hi all,

we just released Image Former, which is a small tool to batch-edit any number of files. Right now, there are just a few functions included, but we will add more and more with time:

Thank you @Nigel for the quick support and the whole company for a great and easy-to-use library!

Kind regards

Arash Posted - Jan 17 2021 : 08:41:00
Thank you dear Nigel
xequte Posted - Jan 16 2021 : 17:55:35
Hi Arash

Perspective correction is now built into ImageEn.

Please see:

And try the demo:


Xequte Software
Arash Posted - Jan 04 2021 : 12:26:26
Hello rmklever
I hope you are well
i have a question about your code:

Perspective correction project

can you please tell me about
DelX1, DelY1, DelX2, DelY2, DelX3, DelY3
what are these parameters? I understand you want to create an adjugate matrix but i didn't understand what are these parameters

Thank you
Laser AOC Posted - Oct 30 2020 : 02:49:29
Hello All,

You can download Photo Sense from here:

Please open this link and click on "Free Download" button to get the software. It is FREE!

Special thanks goes to (in no particular order):
- Siniša(Spetric) for sharing his hard work which allowed us to add support for third party Photoshop compatible filters.
- Bill Miller (w2m) for your sample codes and posts has taught us many things.
- Roy M Klever (rmklever) your Picture Color EQ got us started on how to implement lightning fast color/tone/etc. corrections and we have implemented an AI based photo correction in may of our Image->Adjustments.
- Ma Xiaoguang and Ma Xiaoming (twin brothers) who helped in implementing a perfect Levels feature which gives result equivalent and at times better then other tools in the market.
- Last but not the least to IE and Nigel without whom we would not have thought of building such a tool.


Laser AOC
xequte Posted - Oct 29 2020 : 23:42:53
Nice one, Yogesh, that is a fantastic looking application.

Promo looks very professional too.

Xequte Software
Laser AOC Posted - Oct 29 2020 : 10:52:08
Hello All,

Finally after coding and re-coding and re-coding... for 700 days we have finally completed our flagship Image Editor.

For more information please watch our promo video:

I will post the download link soon as we are launching the basic version for FREE!

It has all the features of market leader Image Editor and we have tried to build our UI as close to market leader as possible including short cur keys and dialog layouts!

Please send me your reactions/reviews by mail from my profile page.


Laser AOC