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 Rotate Layers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
wesleybobato Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 19:53:02
Hi Nigel.

I found a small BUG with ImageEn

1-when I add a layer and Press the Rotate button Layer does not work
Need to press the button Zoom and Rotate Button again To Work.

2-every time I press the Rotate button layer to Layer moves on the screen.
There is a flaw that Changes the Bitmap layer and Reposition the image.

3-After Turning the layer I press the Zoom Button and it takes a lot to
process a single command after Rotate the layer.

Thank you for your attention

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4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 23:57:48
Hi Wesley

If you constantly switch between miRotateLayers and miZoom then the bitmap size will increase prodigiously (and also the quality will drop) so it is not recommended.

We will address this for v6.2.3 by allowing miZoom to be used in combination with miMoveLayers and miRotateLayers.

Xequte Software
wesleybobato Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 21:29:43

wesleybobato Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 21:08:17
Hi Nigel

When I press the Zoom Button, it takes to render.
or Is This slow when press the Zoom Button After Turning the layer

I found an Incredible Problem Now Please See in this new Video.

Thank you Nigel for your attention

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xequte Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 20:38:02
Thanks Wesley

1. I have fixed this issue (needed to select the layer first)

2. This is due to AutoFixRotationBorders. Set it to false to prevent movement after rotation

3. I can't reproduce this one. Can you give me more info?

Xequte Software