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 [IEvolution] Are JPEG encoded tiffs supported?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
YAKOKO Posted - Jun 15 2016 : 02:43:19
We are seeing with some TIFF images that are encoded with JPEG that they cannot be loaded using the LoadImages method of an ImageList. The imagecount is returned as 0. I’ve tried switching the detectFormats and loading via streams but in each case after loading the image count is still 0 and the thumbnails do not appear in an image list.

Are JPEG encoded tiffs supported? If not, is there a timeline for when they may be supported.

Are there alternate ways that I may get this type of image loaded.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jun 15 2016 : 05:18:42

JPEG encoded TIFF's have been supported by IEvolution since at least v3. To load all the images in a TIFF:


Xequte Software