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 Modify DICOM Tags

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AlphaUniform Posted - Jan 22 2019 : 04:33:37
Hi all,
is there a way to modify DICOM Tags of a written DICOM file only? Without modifying the Pixel Data.

What I'm doing is:
I'm processing 12bit rawdata to 16bit dicom bitmap.
When I save the file ImageEn writes:

0x0028, 0x0100 = 16 (Bits allocated)
0x0028, 0x0101 = 16 (Bits stored)

What I need is to change 0x0028, 0x0101 to 12.
But ImageEn always writes both entries to 16.

Is there a way to save the metadata to the file without "resaving" the image data?

Thanks in advance
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Mar 07 2021 : 18:48:49
In v9.3.2, you will be able to inject tags into DICOM files (single frame DICOM images only at this time).

Xequte Software
xequte Posted - Feb 17 2021 : 14:24:39

It will be a significant implementation, so I cannot comment at this time when we'll be able to add it.

Note that injection is only relevant if your DICOM_Compression is a lossy format such as iedcJPEG or iedcJPEG2000. So you can save to a non-lossy format such as iedcUncompressed, iedcRLE or iedcLosslessJPEG2000.

Xequte Software
yeohray2 Posted - Feb 17 2021 : 01:38:57
Just wondering if there is a rough estimate of when this feature will be made available? Thank you.
xequte Posted - Aug 27 2020 : 19:41:23
Hi Ronald

This feature has not yet been implemented, but I will elevate its priority.

Note: If you use one of the lossless compression options then your image data should not be affected:

Xequte Software
Ronald Ruijs Posted - Aug 26 2020 : 16:43:27

Any news on this? Another usecase for modifying dicom tags tags without changing image data is anonymizing dicom files.

Regards, Ronald
AlphaUniform Posted - Jan 25 2019 : 03:15:53
Hi Nigel,
thank you for your answer.
Looking forward for this feature :)

Best regards
xequte Posted - Jan 22 2019 : 23:17:49
Hi Alex

There is not a way to modify only the DICOM tags at this time. It is on the to-do list for a future version.

Xequte Software