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 how to output the images with transition effects

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tengco Posted - Feb 25 2019 : 22:40:55
I don't konw how to output the images with transition effects to a video, in a file, or a stream type.
I know there is a method TImageEnView.IO.CaptureFromScreen can capture the transition images screen to a avi file, but it's not suitable for us.
tks all#12290;
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Apr 17 2019 : 00:10:28

Your demo works fine when I tryit here on Delphi 10 Seattle, but I do not have a Windows 7 machine here for testing. Presumably this is an issue with the codec on the system. Try passing a different codec to ImageEnMView1.MIO.SaveToFileAVI(); You might try:

'cvid' : Cinepak
'msvc' : Microsoft Video 1
'mp42' : Microsoft MPEG4 V2

Xequte Software
tengco Posted - Apr 16 2019 : 20:20:05
4.1 Name : wewedo
4.2 User : Administrator
4.3 Total Memory : 2037 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 173 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 99.9 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 66.68 Gb
4.7 System Up Time: 8 hours, 42 minutes, 52 seconds
4.8 Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80GHz
4.9 Display Mode : 1440 x 900, 32 bit

Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows
5.2 Build # : 7601
5.3 Update : Service Pack 1
5.4 Language: Chinese (Simplified)

My delphi version is Delphi 10 Seattle.
xequte Posted - Apr 16 2019 : 16:33:55

What version of Delphi do you use?

Does your demo work for you if you copy the EXE to another system?

Xequte Software
tengco Posted - Apr 15 2019 : 21:52:57
Yes, I tested in Windows Media Player#12289;Kmplayers#12289;storm codec#65292;the the last frame as same as the splayer.
xequte Posted - Apr 02 2019 : 23:02:13

Your demo works fine when I test it here. Here is an output file:

Have you tested your file in other media players?

Xequte Software
tengco Posted - Apr 02 2019 : 01:58:17
I have Downloaded ImageEn 8.3.0 Trial ImageEn_8.3.0_Trial_Setup.exe


and used attached demo shows:


it's also have some problems in the last frame:

xequte Posted - Mar 27 2019 : 05:22:54
OK, this functionality may not be fully available in v5.2.0. You can extend at:

Xequte Software
tengco Posted - Mar 26 2019 : 21:50:02
I have a registered ImageEn 5.2 version, I don't konw whether it's free or not to upgrade the 8.3.0?
xequte Posted - Mar 26 2019 : 15:50:16

Please email me the sample files, demo source and exact steps to reproduce.

Are you using 8.3.0?

Also, can you reproduce using the "Save to AVI" link in the following demo:


Xequte Software
tengco Posted - Mar 23 2019 : 08:07:33
by the way, the transition frames looks so good:

but when call savetoavi procedure, all the secord and third picture's frames are changed.
tengco Posted - Mar 23 2019 : 07:57:19
hi, Nigel,
I'm sorry it doesn't work at this time.
I used the sample codes,
when I take more than 2 pictures save to avi, the transition effects between pictures like this:

tengco Posted - Mar 03 2019 : 19:24:25
It works.
thank you so much.
xequte Posted - Feb 26 2019 : 18:33:01

The Images to AVI demo shows how to output a set of images (and audio) to a video file with music:


The attached demo shows how to insert transition frames and save to AVI:

152.33 KB

Xequte Software