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 Import (read) of Vector EMF/WMF files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MrDeveloper Posted - Apr 11 2019 : 10:34:53

I know that it's possible to import (read) EMF/WMF files. I need to handle a lot of Vector EMF/WMF files. Currently I'm really hard missing the native SVG support inside ImageEn.

1. Is it possible to iterate through the vector-based elements inside the EMF/WMF file?

2. Do you know if it's possible to give the elements inside the EMF/WMF or at least after import into ImageEn unique names or ids?

Thanks a lot for your quick reply and source code snippet in advance!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Apr 29 2019 : 16:50:37

You are better to use our new layers functionality rather than the older vector objects. Layers support vector lines and shapes, as well as text and images.

There are demos for this in the Demos\LayerEditing\ folder.

You can import from DXF and export to SVG or PDF.

Loading and saving is support in our native IEN format.

Naturally, all layers can be iterated and their properties read and set, e.g.

ImageEnView1.Layers[3].FillColor := clRed;  // Generic access to fill property

TIELineLayer( ImageEnView1.Layers[3] ).LineLength := 100; // Access to properties of line layers

Xequte Software
MrDeveloper Posted - Apr 29 2019 : 07:58:08
I'm sorry Nigel.

I found the demo "Vector Editor" which shows my basic needs. But now my last question like before for the EMF/WMF: Can I iterate through the single elements with id's, names etc. to identify them automatically? e.g. circles are numbered from 1 to 10 and so on?

Do you have a small demo for this?

Thanks again!
MrDeveloper Posted - Apr 29 2019 : 07:48:29
Hello Nigel

Is it possible to import 2D DXF files and access the elements there? I need an exchange format to exchange vector elements which I can directly reuse as vector elements inside of ImageEn. Similiar to custom shapes but for a whole drawing like a 2D DXF.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot for your quick reply in advance!
xequte Posted - Apr 11 2019 : 19:38:43

We are very keen to add SVG, but it will be a lot of work, so it is will take some time.

EMF and WMF are rendered using GDI+ so there is no way to access the elements.

Xequte Software