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 About freezing when load from url

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lago Posted - Apr 24 2019 : 04:44:06
Hello again !, I have created a program that needs to load a number of images from the internet.
The images are loaded in blocks of 12 images on an ImageEnFolderMView. The size of the images does not exceed 30kb. I use AppendImage to load them and the load loop is timed. Apparently everything works fine, the problem is that randomly the program freezes while loading the images (always different). 2, 3, 5 seconds frozen (not responding)

Is there any way to solve the freezing problem?

Thank you!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lago Posted - Apr 30 2019 : 04:29:36
Sure Nigel, thanks
xequte Posted - Apr 28 2019 : 20:19:32

Is this due to internet connectivity issues?

Can you send me a small demo that reproduces the issue?

Xequte Software