How do I get the ruler and grid to stay aligned? The ruler changes when you zoom in/out, but the grid stay constant. I looked through the help, but failed to find guidance.
In Photoshop I noticed the ruler re-positions itself to maintain alignment with the grid whenever you zoom. Do I have to write code to mimic this? If so, which event would be the best to place such code?
Here's my code for setting up both objects:
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.GripHeight := 0;
IEGlobalSettings().GridPen.Color := clSilver;
IEGlobalSettings().GridPen.Style := psDot;
IEGlobalSettings().GridPen.Mode := pmCopy;
IEGlobalSettings().GuidelineCount := 10;
ImageEnView1.DisplayGridKind := iedgGuideLines;