I create a textlayer using:
function LayersAdd(Text: String; FontSize : Integer; FontColor : TColor; FontName : string; FontStyle : TFontStyles = []; PosX: Integer = -1; PosY: Integer = -1): integer; overload;
Later on this layer may be moved or resized manually. Thus I identify the layer with a unique layer name (ULN):
for i := 0 to ImageEnView1.LayersCount - 1 do
ln := CompareStr(ImageEnView1.Layers[i].Name, ULN);
if ln = 0 then
idx := ImageEnView1.LayersNameToIndex(ULN, False);
ImageEnView1.LayersCurrent := idx;
and set the mouse interact layer options:
ImageEnView1.LayerOptions := ImageEnView1.LayerOptions + [ loAllowMultiSelect, loAutoSelectMask ];
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractLayers := [ mlMoveLayers, mlResizeLayers ];
As result, the layer is selected correctly with the eight yellow circles but is neither moveable nor sizeable. The only operation which is allowed is the creation of new layers inside the layer area.
May you give me a hint what I'm missing?