I encounter a problem when resizing a TIEPolylineLayer.
It works well with the lower right corner but it distord the polyline with the other three corners.
It can be reproduced with the Layers_AllTypes demo :
- add a polyline layer
- Press "Set to Star"
- reduce the size of the layer with the upper left corner : the Star goes wrong...
If you modify the btnAddClick function like this in Layers_AllTypes demo :
procedure Tfmain.btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
ImageEnView1.LayersAdd( TIELayerKind( cmbAddLayer.ItemIndex ));
if ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.Kind = ielkImage then
TIEImageLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).ExecuteOpenDialog();
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.Width := 300;
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.Height := 300;
if ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.Kind = ielkPolyline then
TIEPolylineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).SetPoints( [ Point(0, 0), Point(90, 221), Point(110, 150), Point(214, 253)
, Point(253, 214), Point(150, 110), Point(221, 90) ], True );
TIEPolylineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).AspectRatioLocked := True;
then add a polyline layer and reduce the size of the layer with the upper left corner to something like 50x50, you can't miss the problem.
Best regards