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 Visual component crop image for unigui

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ali Posted - Oct 11 2019 : 00:58:03
Hi Nigel

Unigui is best and easy framework for Delphi web applications tool pregaming.
Many Delphi developer use this good tool for programming.
Please you will add imageen properties for unigui.
We can all none visual component for unigui.
But we ca not use visual component for unigui.
Please you will add imageen properties for unigui then all developers can use imageen for image proceeding for web applications programming.
For fist time you will add imageen component for desired (ideal) rectangle crop image.
We can use none visual component of imageen for unigui.
If you will add a visual component for unigui then it is first imageen processing component for web applications programming with Delphi.
Atleat you will make a sample for desired (ideal) rectangle crop image with unigui framework.
I can test and help you in this case.

Best Regards

Ali Abbasi
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Sep 25 2020 : 05:36:29
Sorry Ali,

What I mean is that adding selection functionality to TImage would be a big undertaking and is not really related to ImageEn.

Xequte Software
ali Posted - Sep 25 2020 : 01:45:05
Hi Nigel

I do not clear understand your last answer.
Do you afraid which your sample independent from imageen then developers use your sample whiout imageen?

Also I make a image crop with TImage and fixed my problem.
But is better which TImage and ImageenIO together have this property.
Because you have good exprinence for image processing.
Also after that imageen to be complete image processing for all conditions (Delphi desktop and webbase platforms programming).

Best Regards

Ali Abbasi
xequte Posted - Sep 24 2020 : 17:52:42
Hi Ali

I'm afraid that adding features to TImage is outside of the area of ImageEn.

Xequte Software
ali Posted - Sep 24 2020 : 09:59:22
Hi Nigel

Thank you for your attention.
If you will make crop image a Delphi demo with TImage and ImageenIO (none visual components) then it very usefull for us.

Best Regards

Ali Abbasi
xequte Posted - Sep 24 2020 : 03:17:41
Hi Ali

Unfortunately, I don't think TImage has enough functionality to make it adequately replicate TImageEnView features.

It does not even have selections, so you you need to draw your own selection and handle their resizing, etc.

Once you had the bitmap and the selection rectangle you could pass that to ImageEn to be cropped.

Xequte Software
ali Posted - Sep 24 2020 : 01:03:45
Hi Nigel

Unfortunately you told me which you can not make a crop image with TImage Delphi.
Okey, please you add it property image crop with aspect ratio with TImage and ImageenIO with a sample demo which all developers most use imageen.
It useful for web base programming with Delphi in unigui and intraweb and other framework.

Best Regards

Ali Abbasi
ali Posted - Sep 13 2020 : 03:51:49
Hi Yogi

I can not find Delphi sample for image crop in it link address.

Best Regards

Ali Abbasi
yogiyang Posted - Sep 13 2020 : 02:50:45
Please look this up and download what is appropriate for you.

There are a few samples as to how to use its command line version (.exe) as well as library version (.dll).

Yogi Yang
ali Posted - Sep 12 2020 : 08:22:15
Dear Yogi Yang

please send me link of it DLL.

Best Regards

Ali Abbasi
xequte Posted - Sep 04 2020 : 18:35:58
Hi Ali

I don't believe selection is possible in the standard TImage component.

Xequte Software
ali Posted - Sep 03 2020 : 08:05:33
Dear Nigel

I wrote below code for image crop for uniGUI framework and it working good.
Do you have solution for select a two points in left-top and bottom_right for Image (standard image component Delphi) for crop area?
If yes, You fix my problem.
Or I want select box of crop with aspect ratio for Image.
Please see in the attachment image.

procedure TPictureForm.btn13Click(Sender: TObject);
 iebmp : TIEBitmap ;
 jpg: TJPEGImage;
 bmp: TBitmap;
  iebmp := TIEBitmap.Create;
  ImageEnProc1.AttachedIEBitmap := iebmp;
  ImageEnIO1.AttachedIEBitmap   := iebmp;
   bmp := TBitmap.Create;
   ImageEnIO1.AttachedBitmap:= bmp;

   ImageEnIO1.IEBitmap.Crop(20, 20 ,ImageEnIO1.IEBitmap.Width-20,ImageEnIO1.IEBitmap.Height-20 );



Thank you and best regards


yogiyang Posted - Jun 04 2020 : 08:30:15
Hello Ali,

Why don't you give a try to ImageMagik DLL it will do most of the image processing things and besides WIndows it is also available for Linux as well as Mac OSX.

Yogi Yang
xequte Posted - May 29 2020 : 20:03:53
Hi Ali

Sorry, that is not an area we have enough time to pursue.

Xequte Software
ali Posted - May 29 2020 : 09:12:43
Hi Nigel

Now Many Delphi developers working with web-based with unigui framework.
If unigui working with unigui then it is nice!

Or at least if you will prepare a sample for image crop with aspect ratio for person photos in unigui then it is very useful for us.

Best regards

Ali Abbasi
xequte Posted - Oct 11 2019 : 02:16:20

UniGui does look cool, but we have our hands full with our existing platforms. If other users are interested in this too, please let us know.

Xequte Software