T O P I C R E V I E W |
amiktoha |
Posted - Mar 25 2020 : 09:59:36 Can you have demo which detects and recognize numbers(5,6 or 7 digits on object) from camera? I have some objects in which numbers is drawed and I want to recognize numbers in object when they moving from camera?
Thank you

3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
xequte |
Posted - May 30 2024 : 23:14:08 Hi
*** 2024 UPDATE ***
The latest version of ImageEn is likely to give you better results, by either:
- Finding the text rects using a neural network (and then passing them to the OCR engine, which now works better with oriented text)
- Parsing the image using Google Vision API
Nigel Xequte Software www.imageen.com
xequte |
Posted - Mar 26 2020 : 17:26:30 Thanks.
IEVision uses OpenCV for object detection and Tesseract for OCR.
The problem here is that there is a lot going on in the image, so if you OCR the whole thing it will be: - slow - lots of false data
This is the OCR of the whole image:
R | # %“7 k \\\ B . S \“, B2 & P y } L - s - Yt (15498 B s —-— — - ‘/[’b ~ V ‘ "“ V ‘\:\ e S— —— h 3 B " N AN L SHOT ON MI 9T | LOJO RN
This is when selecting the text:
There does not seem to be a good way here to automatically determine what needs to be OCR'ed to improve the process.
The other issue is orientation. Tesseract does not work well with text that is short and significantly rotated.
So, I'm afraid I don't have any good suggestions for you here.
Nigel Xequte Software www.imageen.com
xequte |
Posted - Mar 25 2020 : 20:15:40 Hi
Can you attach an image showing the type of numbers you are talking about?
Nigel Xequte Software www.imageen.com