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 How to achieve Layer Resizing by user?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yogiyang Posted - Apr 29 2020 : 07:41:42

When a user selects multiple layers and resize them interactively I want to achieve layer resizing as per this video:

1153.93 KB

In the video you can observe that the Layer which is Top most and Left most does not move but other layers move as they get resized.

But in case of ImageEn all selected layers just remain on in the same place they are and get resized.


Yogi Yang
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jan 23 2025 : 23:13:35
Hi Yogi

FYI, this is supported in the latest beta if you add loScaleMultipleLayersAsGroup to ImageEnView1.LayerOptions.

You can email me for the beta.

Xequte Software
xequte Posted - Apr 30 2020 : 17:57:29
Hi Yogi

That is a nice resizing effect. We will consider it for a future version.

Xequte Software