I have observed that CropSel and Crop are not working properly when there are multiple layers in and image.
When I say not working properly means that it is cropping the image from top left of Layer[0] and not where marquee selection is present.
Please check these screen shots:
CurrentLayer is set to 0. Which is the bottom most layer. Please look at selection in the screen shot...
After calling ImageEnView1.Proc.CropSel(False);
I also tried this code:
ImageEnView1.Proc.Crop(ImageEnView1.SelectedRect.X, ImageEnView1.SelectedRect.Y, ImageEnView1.SelectedRect.X + ImageEnView1.SelectedRect.Width, ImageEnView1.SelectedRect.Y + ImageEnView1.SelectedRect.Height);
But this also does not work.
I am using IE 9.1.1.
Please help in solving this problem.
Yogi Yang