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 web cam has no image

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ronaldos_br Posted - Dec 15 2020 : 16:33:15

I use the ImageEn 4 component with delphi XE2.

Recently one of my customers bought a Chinese web cam that doesn't work on my application. There is simply no image.

I downloaded the "DirectShow Frame Capture - Capture of frames to a TImageEnMView using DirectShow" demo at and the camera worked.

So I downloaded the trial version of the component and compiled the same demo. To my surprise, the web cam has no image.

Any idea what it might be?

Best Regards,
Ronaldo M. Silva
SPAC Solutions
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Dec 07 2022 : 14:08:07

Is it this option?

Xequte Software
wilton Posted - Dec 06 2022 : 18:33:57
I have this same problem using the latest version 11.4
it only works by deactivating the kaspersky antivirus, even signing the executable does not work, this can cause many problems, as this antivirus is very used here in Brazil. is there any solution besides signing the executable? so that the antivirus does not block access to the camera.

obs: the windows camera application works perfectly, and the compiled demo downloaded from the site also works.
use delphi 10.4
xequte Posted - Dec 19 2020 : 15:51:35
Hi Ronaldo

Sorry, I should have mentioned one important difference. We digitally sign all of our EXE files, so if you don't sign yours then that may trigger this kind of blocking.

Xequte Software
ronaldos_br Posted - Dec 19 2020 : 06:55:02

I discovered that the problem was Russian software called kaspersky. This software has a functionality to block access to the webcam.

For some reason, kaspersky doesn't trust the "DirectShow Frame Capture - Capture of frames to a TImageEnMView using DirectShow" demo compiled by me, but it does trust the Demo downloaded at This explains why it did not work in the Demo compiled by the trial version of ImageEn.

What made it more difficult to identify the problem is that kaspersky did not block ImageEn access to the web cam, but only prevented it from receiving the images, that is, it could connect the camera but the images were not received.

I appreciate the support and, in any case, I will update the component to last release.

Best Regards,
Ronaldo M. Silva
SPAC Solutions
xequte Posted - Dec 17 2020 : 14:23:20
Hi Ronaldo

Most of the demos are compiled in Delphi 2007 (for size), so this would imply a difference between Delphi 2007 and XE2 (Unicode issue?) or some incompatibility with something else in the IDE (not common, but have seen it). There's a small possibility too that something about the trial negatively affects the demo (can't think of any reason for this).

Unfortunately we can't really debug v4 as it is eight years old, and the trial does not have source which would make it hard for you to debug. You might want to email me to see your options for updating to the latest version.

Xequte Software