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 Descew and resize scan according to a sample

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mschumann Posted - Feb 11 2021 : 10:12:44
I am working on a form recognition solution and considered itVision as a tool that can aid in important steps: deskewing and aligning the form to an empty master. Here it is done with openCV so maybe ieVision can do that,too. The keyword seems to be homography:

It would be great if this was doable with ieVision and if someone could supply a hint into the correct direction!

Thanks in advance!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jul 19 2021 : 03:19:22
Hi Michael

Homography will be supported in the upcoming 6.0.0 release of IEVision.

Xequte Software
mschumann Posted - Feb 16 2021 : 18:09:48
Supporting homography would surely bing a lot of new customers because commercial specialized libraries for the job of alignment/deskew are too expensive for smaller budget projects (Recogniform, Leadtools).

Do you have an idea about a rough timeline for that feature? I know OpenCV can do it out of the box but I only found Java/c oder Python examples.

xequte Posted - Feb 14 2021 : 17:23:21

Homography is not supported yet, but I'll add it to the to-do list.

You might take a look at the demo of S.Petric at:

Xequte Software