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 ImageEn 9.3.1 and IEVision 5.4.2 Released

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
xequte Posted - Feb 16 2021 : 17:33:19
ImageEn v9.3.1 and IEVision 5.4.2 have now been released. These updates are free if you purchased a license or extension after 17 February 2020. You can access the downloads from:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

Important V9.3.1 Compatibility Information

You may need to add the units iexClasses and iexUserInteractions to the uses clauses of your projects.

Occasionally iexVirtualBitmaps might also be required.

Top Five Enhancements

1. Significantly optimized performance for TImageEnMView and TImageEnFolderMView

2. Crop Tool enhancements including rotation grip and easy reselection

3. Improved TIERichEdit including new Open/Save methods that support Word import/export and prompt dialogs

4. High DPI support for TIEFolderTree and TIEFIleListBox

5. GPS info can be retrieved from some RAW formats without accessible EXIF

Complete Change History:

Xequte Software